Why WorkWell KS
Research shows that most U.S. adults spend the majority of their waking hours at work. With health care costs rising and more and more research citing work-based nutrition and physical activity initiatives as a promising approach to employee heath improvements, employers are increasingly looking at the option of formal worksite programs.
Traditional Approach |
vs |
WorkWell KS |
Targets the individual employee | Targets the worksite | |
Provides primarily information and programs | Provides a comprehensive approach (information, programs, policy, benefit design, and environment) | |
Focuses on multiple health behaviors at the same time (only able to implement isolated interventions that do not fully address the behaviors) | Focuses on one health behavior at a time (able to implement a comprehensive set of interventions that fully address that behavior) | |
Creates and implements interventions without the benefit of science |
Creates and implements interventions based on evidence-based best practices |
Uses diagnostics to identify/treat behavior | Uses behavioral metrics to identify modifiable behaviors/prevent disease |
Related Research
- A Model for Developing Comprehensive Initiatives to Improve the Health of the Worksite (PDF)
- The Cons of Traditional Worksite Wellness Interventions and a Proposed Model (PDF)