Research indicates for a wellness initiative to be effective you need to have a strong Worksite Wellness Foundation in place.
Below are tools to help your worksite develop a solid infrastructure that will allow for the integration of health at your worksite.
- First, take the Foundation Assessment to determine the strengths your worksite can build upon and any areas that require attention.
- Then, utilize the resources to ensure your worksite has all the Worksite Wellness Foundation components in place prior to addressing a health topic (physical activity, food and beverage, tobacco, or well-being).
Complete the Foundation Assessment
The assessment takes about 10 minutes to complete. Results will be emailed to you upon completion.
Take Action Using Our Tools
This is a small sampling of the interventions that WorkWell KS recommends to help guide worksites in developing comprehensive, multi-strategy worksite wellness initiatives.
Due to the complexity of changing the worksite culture to support healthy behaviors, it is best to establish a committee that remains active and in place over time. We refer to this as a wellness committee, but a worksite may call it something different. What matters is that this committee is integrated into the infrastructure of the worksite. We have developed the following tools to help your worksite.
Wellness Committee Overview
Watch the short video below to hear Dr. Ablah summarize the best practices for developing a wellness committee and what components are necessary to build the capacity of the wellness committee to make sustainable changes at the worksite.
Wellness Committee Composition
Use this worksheet to identify wellness committee roles and assign them to committee members.
Wellness Committee Composition Worksheet
Ensure Accountability
Wellness committee members need to be held accountable for their role(s) on the wellness committee and a best practice is to add this duty to their position descriptions. Below is a template to help you get started or use the agreement form on page 2 if you can not update job descriptions.
Wellness Committee Accountability
Develop or Review Your Vision and Goal
It is best practice to have a vision and goals for your wellness efforts. Use this worksheet to develop your worksite wellness vision and goal(s).
Having leadership engagement and buy-in is a critical component for worksite wellness. We have developed the following tools to help your worksite.
Exercising Leadership Overview
Watch the short video below to hear Dr. Ablah summarize how to exercise leadership and engage different factions at the worksite to gain support for wellness initiatives.
Sample Faction Map
Review these examples from other worksites to help you get started with faction mapping.
- Sample Faction Map - CORPORATION (PDF)
- Sample Faction Map - HEALTHCARE (PDF)
- Sample Faction Map - GOVERNMENT (PDF)
- Sample Faction Map - SCHOOLS (PDF)
Fillable Faction Map
Use this fillable PDF worksheet to identify, engage, and work across different factions.
It is important to establish health communications capacity among the wellness committee and identify the most accessed communication channels (e.g., newsletters, posters, intranet).
Use this worksheet to develop language to communicate consistent messages and identify 4 channels of communication with the best reach.
Incentives can be used as rewards to influence the health behavior decision-making process of employees, fuel participation, and/or improve adherence. Incentives are thought to affect more populations and generate a greater return on investment.
Use this worksheet to identify financial and non-financial incentives.
It is important for the wellness committee to have access to data, as its members will be responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of worksite wellness initiatives. Data can be used to first understand the scope of the problem(s) and then, in a follow-up, determine whether the initiative’s interventions are effective.
Reassess Your Foundation
Retake the WWKS Foundation Assessment and compare it to your baseline assessment. Ensure you have completed all areas of your Foundation that need attention. Once you have a strong Foundation in place, your worksite is ready to address a health priority
Collect Data
Collect data to inform your next steps or the health topic (physical activity, food and beverage, tobacco, or well-being) your worksite should address first. Data can come from health claims, employee needs and interests, absenteeism, and productivity.