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Student Registration and Abstracts

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Abstract submission is open!


Submissions for either oral or poster presentations are submitted via the online submission form. Abstracts are not required for 3MT presentations.

Complete information for submitting the abstract will consist of:

  1. The submission must be a Microsoft Word document, single spaced, using 12pt Arial font
  2. The first line of the document should be in the title, in BOLD
  3. The second line of the document should be your name and department, in ITALICS as follows: Presenting Author: Jane Doe, Department of Biostatistics
  4. The third line of the document should be your mentor's name, in ITALICS, as follows: Mentor: John Smith, PhD
  5. The fourth line of the document should be your contributors, listed first name then last name, separated by commas, in ITALICS
  6. The next section of the document is the body of the abstract and should be no more than 250 words
  7. After the body of the abstract, list any conflict of interest statements as necessary, in ITALICS
  8. Lastly, acknowledge any grant support as necessary, in ITALICS

The online submission site guides you through these requirements. A template demonstrating these formatting requirements is available on the submission site. 

Special Instructions for Abstracts:

  1. The title should be in title case, not all capitals.
  2. Do not repeat the title in the body of the abstract.
  3. Do not use degree titles in your name.

Both oral and poster presentations will be judged by panels of volunteer faculty and researchers. Visit Our Scoring Criteria page for more information. Results will be announced with awards presented at the SRF Awards Banquet.

Examples of award-winning presentations

Student Research Forum

University of Kansas Medical Center
Student Research Forum
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160