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Shane Kentopp, PhD

Shane Kentopp portrait
Clinical Assistant Professor, General & Hospital Medicine

Professional Background

Dr. Kentopp is a clinical psychologist with expertise in treating a range of mental health conditions and facilitating behavioral change in the service of health-related goals using Motivational Interviewing.

Dr. Kentopp obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Kansas. He obtained Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Psychology from Colorado State University.

Education and Training
  • BS, Cognitive Psychology, University of Kansas
  • MS, Counseling Psychology, Colorado State University
  • PhD, Counseling Psychology, Colorado State University
  • Post Doctoral Fellowship, Clinical Psychology, University of Michigan Medical School



Dr. Kentopp's research background is focused on the understanding prevention of suicide and health-risk behaviors (substance use, high risk sexual behavior, etc.) among youth and young adults. He has a particular interested in forecasting the occurrence of rare impactful events, such as suicide attempts, in order to inform prevention and intervention efforts.