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Kansas Nursing Workforce Center in the Media

News coverage of the Kansas Nursing Workforce Center and its activities.

Solving the Nursing Shortage Crisis
Born out of crisis, driven by data, the Kansas Nursing Workforce Center is trying to provide more nurses for Kansans.
Kansas Medicine + Science

Kansas Nursing Workforce Center Collaborates with Stakeholders to Address State's Nursing Shortage
The new center joins more than 40 other state nursing workforce coalitions working to increase the nursing labor pool.

New Kansas Nursing Workforce Center to combat nursing shortages in the state
The University of Kansas School of Nursing has announced the launch of the Kansas Nursing Workforce Center to address multiple crises in the field of nursing.
Hays Post

Kansas Needs More Nurses; KU Tries to Address Challenge
The University of Kansas has launched an initiative to help address a critical shortage of nurses.
Kansas Public Radio

Workforce center launched to combat nursing shortages
The University of Kansas School of Nursing recently announced the launch of the Kansas Nursing Workforce Center to address multiple crises in the field of nursing.
Derby Informer

‘Nurses Matter’ New KU Center Launches to Combat Nursing Shortage
The University of Kansas School of Nursing aims to address the nursing shortage crisis with the launch of the Kansas Nursing Workforce Center.

KU launches plan to address nursing shortage; hospital nursing vacancies peak
As hospitals struggle to recruit nurses and the demand for nursing heightens, the University of Kansas is starting a new initiative to tackle the mounting health care labor issue in Kansas.
Sunflower State Journal

Kansas School of Nursing launches workforce center to combat nursing shortages
The University of Kansas School of Nursing has announced the launch of the Kansas Nursing Workforce Center to address multiple crises in the field of nursing.
FOX4 News

KU School of Nursing creates new center to combat nursing shortages
The University of Kansas School of Nursing is working to address the nursing shortage crisis.

PSU holds nursing symposium as state faces nursing shortage
Pittsburg State’s Axe Library was the venue for a symposium concerning a nursing shortage in Kansas and nationwide on June 21.
The Morning Sun

Nurses from across Kansas gather in Topeka to talk shortages
KU’s School of Nursing arranged a meeting at the Celtic Fox, where members from institutions from all over the state gathered to discuss the nursing shortage.
KSNT-TV Topeka

Kansas Nursing Workforce Center

KU School of Nursing
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Mail Stop 2029
Kansas City, KS 66160
913-588-1619 | TTY 711