Support and Resources
The Faculty and Staff Enhancement Program offers a range of professional opportunities for faculty and staff at the KU School of Nursing.
The Enhancement Program within the School of Nursing offers three components:
The purpose of the faculty mentoring program is to provide formal and informal mentoring for faculty at all stages of their career in the areas of teaching, research, practice and the faculty role. The goals of the faculty mentoring program are to:
- Build a mechanism for knowledge transfer.
- Provide guidance and support for career growth for all faculty (including assistance with developing specific plans for promotion).
- Promote a climate that values collegiality.
- Create a climate conducive for substantive contributions.
- Advance the school's mission through scholarship.
- Support the growth of leadership skills in all faculty.
For more information, please contact DeLois Laverentz at (913) 588-1664 or Carol Buller at (913) 588-1021.
More than 65 faculty and staff members have taken advantage of the writing and publishing support offered in the School of Nursing. Sally Barhydt, a University of Kansas School of Nursing alumna, has more than 30 years of experience in the publishing industry. She was an editor with major U.S. publishing companies, such as Appleton & Lange, Inc. and McGraw-Hill, Inc., prior to returning to Kansas City. Ms. Barhydt is available on campus for meetings and personal consultations at no charge to KU School of Nursing faculty and staff.
Types of writing support offered to faculty and staff:
- Manuscript review and editing
- Identifying potential overlap in subsequent and concurrent article submission
- Grant proposal editing
- Article/manuscript planning
- Magazine editing
To set up an appointment, please call 913-588-1674 or email Sally Barhydt.
Since 2008, the KU School of Nursing has emphasized the importance of cultural enrichment and diversity both in the curricula and as an organizational value. Through programs and events focused on increasing cultural competence among faculty and staff, and by embedding values of diversity, equity and inclusion into the faculty governance structure, the school hopes to increase cultural humility across all KU nursing communities.
Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity
- Ryan Washington, Kansas City undergraduate student representative
- Dylan Severson, BSN, RN, graduate student representative
- Stacy Irving, Receptionist, Office of the Dean
- Katharine M. Agnew, MLS, Senior Coordinator - Curriculum, Academic Affairs
- Cyndie Majher, M.Ed., Undergraduate Programs Consultant & Advisor, Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Kesa Herlihy, Ph.D., RN, CNE, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Jerrihlyn McGee, DNP, RN, CNE, Leadership Program Director, Clinical Assistant Professor, ex officio, EVC's Diversity & Inclusion Cabinet
- Staci Ford, EdD, MSN, RN, Chair
- Maryellen Potts, Ph.D., Education Assistant Professor
- Pamela Barnes, Ph.D. MBA, Education Associate Professor, Associate Dean Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
The Cultural Enrichment and Diversity Committee was established in Fall 2012 to formalize the School of Nursing (SON) Enhancement Program for Cultural Enrichment. The committee changed its name to the Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity in 2019. The committee is comprised of elected and appointed representatives from the School of Nursing. Some degree of flexibility may be appropriate when executing the functions of this joint committee due to the unique committee structure. These policies and procedures represent guidelines for activities of the committee and may be modified as needed through a simple majority vote of the members.
I. Membership
- Three (3) elected faculty members from the SON (representing both undergraduate and graduate programs).
- Two (2) appointed staff members from the SON.
- Current SON's representative of the EVC's Diversity & Inclusion Cabinet, ex-officio.
- Two SON students (representing both undergraduate and graduate programs).
- The committee will be chaired by an elected SON faculty member.
II. Functions and Goals
- Demonstrate the value the KU SON places on diversity and cultural knowledge.
- Ensure new knowledge and best practices related to diversity and cultural knowledge are present in the curricula.
- Raise the level of knowledge and appreciation of cultural practices among patients, faculty, staff, students, preceptors and others.
- Develop initiatives for encouraging diversity to flourish within the SON.
- Collaborate with the School of Medicine Office of Diversity, the School of Health Professions standing committee on diversity and the KU Medical Center diversity advisory group, along with other stakeholders, to advance cultural knowledge and appreciation, especially related to education, service and research.
- Foster open communication and explore ways to partner with other KU Medical Center offices and area agencies related to diversity, equity and inclusion.
III. Functions of the Chairpersons
- The Chairperson will serve as a representative to the Steering Committee.
- The Chairperson will be voting members of the committee.
- The Chairperson will make an annual report to the SON Steering Committee.
- The Chairperson will be knowledgeable of the SON bylaws.
- The Chairperson will work with members of the committee to assist with the preparation of agendas and other meeting materials, reservation of the meeting space and other logistical tasks and to record minutes or attend to other follow-up duties of the committee. This may be accomplished by electing a secretary or other officers.
- The Chairperson will preside at meetings of the committee or make accommodations for another member to do so in event of his/her absence.
- The Chairperson will ensure that the student representatives understand that they represent the interests of both graduate and undergraduate students.
IV. Functions and Goals of the Committee
- Demonstrate the value that KU SON places on diversity and cultural knowledge.
- Ensure new knowledge and best practices related to diversity, equity and inclusion are present in the curricula.
- Raise the level of practices of cultural humility among patients, faculty, staff, students, preceptors and others.
- Develop initiatives for encouraging diversity, equity and inclusion to flourish within the SON.
- Collaborate with the School of Medicine Office of Diversity, the School of Health Professions standing committee on diversity and the KU Medical Center diversity advisory group, along with other stakeholders, to advance cultural knowledge and appreciation, especially related to education, service and research.
- Foster open communication and explore ways to partner with other KU Medical Center offices and area agencies related to diversity, equality and inclusion.
V. Procedures of the Committee
- A quorum of the committee will be four (4) of the (7) elected/appointed members and must include the chairperson or designated faculty member.
- Decisions will be made by a majority vote.
- Minutes will be kept of each committee meeting.
- The annual report by the Chairperson of the committee will be forwarded to the Steering Committee. The committee will serve in an advisory capacity to the SON Academic Councils, Curriculum Committee Faculty Practice Committee and other relevant governing bodies.
- Recommendations related to cultural enrichment and diversity within the School of Nursing will go to the appropriate council.
- The Committee will seek input from appropriate offices, department and school leaders to identify potential staff and student representatives. These nominations will be forwarded to the Dean annually for appointment consideration.
- Review the Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity sections of the School of Nursing Evaluation Plan at least every year. Submit collected metrics and any changes to the Office of Academic Affairs.
- The full committee will review the Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity bylaws, goals and procedures annually and update as necessary.
Excellent nursing care is built upon a foundation of caring, knowledge and skill. Today's nurses must be competent providers who keep the needs of the patient first. Every year thousands of nursing school applicants are turned down due to limited capacities at area nursing schools. The nursing faculty shortage is one of the biggest obstacles to increasing nursing school enrollments.
The KU School of Nursing is pleased to be able to offer the Faculty Enhancement Program to its faculty members who are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree as a way of "Growing Our Own". This program provides financial means and an opportunity for faculty to pursue doctoral studies. By earning a doctoral degree, you can gain insights on today's changing patient population and explore career options for teaching, leadership and research.