Post-Tenure Review (PTR)
PTR is required of all tenured faculty every seven years to ensure continued professional development and to evaluate contributions to the university.
Review Process and Policies
Participation in the PTR process is mandatory. Reviews of tenured faculty members are selected on a scheduled basis. A review may also be triggered at the request of a department chair.
- KUMC Handbook for Faculty, pages 53-55
- Kansas Board of Regents (Rev. 7/5/23) Post-Tenure Review Policy, Pgs 59-60, Chapter II, d. iv.
Review Timeline
September: PTR process begins. The list of faculty members who have PTR's due is approved by the School of Medicine APT Committee.
October: Faculty members are notified that their PTR is due in the current academic year.
January 15: Deadline for faculty to submit review materials.
April: Reviews are completed by April 1. APT Committee meets to review PTR recommendations.
May: APT Committee recommendations are submitted to the Executive Dean. By May 31, final decisions by the Executive Dean are made. Notifications are sent to the faculty member and department chair.