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Frequently Asked Questions

Review the following for the most common questions regarding promotion and tenure.



FACT is the acronym for Faculty Activity Collaboration Tool. It is an online repository (database) used for data collection to provide a more time efficient way to manage large amounts of data for reporting purposes. It is the electronic database used for creating the KU School of Medicine formatted CV. All information for the CV will be entered into the online database. Running a report will generate the formatted CV either as a Word document or a PDF.

Unfortunately no. All past versions of the Word document CV template and guidelines are obsolete. FACT, as described above, is the source for creating your CV.

Absolutely! As of 2020, it is a requirement for the promotion applicant to set up a CV review with Dr. Dianne Durham, Senior Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Development. The CV should be in the School of Medicine format and generated from FACT. CV's not generated from FACT cannot be used for the review. Prior to meeting with Dr. Durham, you are highly encouraged to have a colleague and/or a member of your department APT committee review your CV and provide feedback. Meetings must take place by July 31. No CV's will be reviewed after that deadline. Contact Angie Basgall to set up an appointment.

No, this is not allowed. However, if your CV lists publications and/or pending grants that were submitted and these have been accepted/awarded after the deadline, please notify Angie Basgall and you will be advised how to submit the approval or notice of award. 

Career Levels, Domain Expectations and Reference Letters

Review the Academic Rank Matrix (PDF) for complete details.

Review the Domain Expectations for complete details.

Review the Reference Letter Requirements (PDF) and consult with your department chair and department APT committee for advice on who to select as a qualified reference.

Application Materials

Use the Application Guide (PDF). You will find information about the required materials and instructions on how to upload documents to SharePoint folder.

The Application Guide (PDF) is an all-inclusive go-to guide for promotion applications. It contains all the information about the required materials for a complete packet for the School of Medicine APT committee to review.  You will find "What To Do First, the SharePoint Site Link, SharePoint Folder Details, CV Review information, Requirements for each Folder 1-5, and details about Referee Letters and Department Letters. 

Absolutely! Promotion materials are required for the School of Medicine APT Committee review and all materials must be separated as noted in the Application Guide. 

Teaching Evaluations

Yes, you need to upload evaluations to your SharePoint folder. The absence of teaching evaluations will negatively impact your application. Refer to the Application Guide (PDF) for details. If evaluations are not uploaded, it is required that a short explanation is written to the School of Medicine APT Committee as to why they are omitted.

Formal evaluations can sometimes be subjective and/or you may not have any. In this case, support letters are encouraged from learners or junior faculty that you have mentored (aka mentee letters). If you do not have standardized teaching evaluations, or you would like extra documentation to show your teaching excellence, ask peers for a written evaluation.

Clinical Service Activities

Clinical practices vary greatly among specialties. You will need to provide a narrative of your clinical practice as well as quantitative data that showcases your accomplishments. Review the RVU examples (PDF).


Most often, the main reason is that the file name is too long. File names should not exceed 50 characters. If they are longer than this, you will probably get an error message. Documents with large file names will be difficult to open (or not open at all) for other people so please keep all file names at 50 characters or below.

In early May, specific details are emailed, including a link to your folder, how to upload documents and how to submit your referee contact information.

Use the P&T SharePoint Guidelines (PDF) for how to do all the above.

Only the applicant and/or the assistant (if noted on the registration form), will have permission to access an individual applicant folder. If you were not listed on the registration form and still need access, please email Angie Basgall in Faculty Affairs and Development (FAD) with a request which should also be approved by the faculty member.

If you have trouble accessing SharePoint, please be sure you used the URL in the emailed instructions or clicked the link provided in the email that was sent in May. If you need any help, contact Angie Basgall in Faculty Affairs and Development (FAD).

Additional questions or need assistance?

If you need assistance with the application process, or have trouble accessing or uploading materials to SharePoint please contact Angie Basgall.

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Faculty Affairs and Development (FAD)
School of Medicine
Mail Stop 1049
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160-1049