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Foreign Medical Graduates

We welcome graduates of foreign medical schools deemed acceptable by the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KSBHA).

The minimum standard for graduates of foreign medical schools is defined in section 4.1.1.d of the GME Manual, however individual programs may have more stringent requirements for foreign medical school graduates. Contact the specific program of interest for further information.

Residency & Fellowship Programs

The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KSBHA) deems foreign medical schools as acceptable. Visit the KSBHA website for information about medical schools that are approved, unapproved and disapproved.

Additional Resources

Visa Options

For additional information and questions, please contact:

KU School of Medicine

Office of Graduate Medical Education
University of Kansas Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Delp Pavilion, 1117
Mailstop 1060
Kansas City, KS 66160
Fax: 913-588-0240