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Under the direction of the associate dean for research, the Office of Research provides a multitude of services and resources for those involved in research.

Research and Scholarly Endeavors

Our services include consultations and assistance with protocol development, grant applications, management of currently funded grants, information about funding opportunities, conferences and other items of interest to faculty, staff and students. We also offer manuscript review and formatting for submission to scholarly publication, as well as publication of the Kansas Journal of Medicine.

Statistical Education

The Office of Research strives to provide high-quality statistical data analysis services and education to the research community by assisting researchers with the use of statistical methods in the most efficient way. Our statistical consulting, instructional and infrastructure services are coordinated to provide advice and support the use of the latest methodology.

Support for:

  • The research process, from design of the research plan through analysis and publication of study results
  • Experimental design for trial and/or grant development, including sample size and power analysis
  • Data analysis, including biostatistical programming and data management services

Services include support for the development and implementation of:

  • Small, pilot studies
  • Large-scale, multicenter clinical trials
  • Large-scale epidemiologic studies
  • Collaborative clinical and patient-oriented research
  • Multi-institutional health services research projects
  • Meta-analysis
KU School of Medicine-Wichita

1010 North Kansas
Wichita, KS 67214-3199