Information for JayDoc Community Clinic Patients
What is the JayDoc Community Clinic?
Free health services. We provide free health services to people who do not have access to other health facilities due to lack of insurance. A $5 donation per visit is requested; however, you will never be turned away for inability to pay.
A learning environment. KU School of Medicine–Wichita medical students created the JayDoc Community Clinic to provide health care to uninsured patients. Medical students operate the clinic under the supervision of licensed physicians.
A place to grow. Medical students, pre-medical students, and physicians who volunteer at the clinic are exposed to various issues involved with providing health care access to those in need. Our goal is to give back to the community we serve.
Who can go to JayDoc Community Clinic?
Anyone without health insurance is welcome at the clinic. However, we are unable to offer health services to children or pregnant women.
Patient Qualifications. To qualify for medical care at JayDoc Community Clinic, you must meet all of the following criteria:
• Be without health insurance of any kind (including Medicare, Medicaid,
HealthWave or other medical assistance through SRS).
• Have an income up to twice the Federal Poverty Level. Proof of income must be
provided at the first visit. Possible types of proof of income include 30 days of
paycheck stubs, letter from unemployment office verifying amount and duration,
letter from Social Security verifying that you receive monthly disability income, or
letter from whomever is supporting you stating they are currently your sole support.
• Must not be under the care of any other physician.
• No workman's compensation or other insurance claims pending.
What are the hours and location of the JayDoc Community Clinic?
The clinic is open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The clinic is located at 940 S. St. Francis in Wichita, Kansas. Updated information is on our homepage.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Please call 316-264-8974 to request a scheduled appointment at JayDoc Community Clinic. Walk-ins are also welcome, but you must arrive no later than noon to be seen that day.