About us
KSKidsMAP is a program for primary care physicians and clinicians in Kansas through a telehealth network. It is a partnership between the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita Departments of Pediatrics and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences.
How we can help
KSKidsMAP supports primary care physicians and clinicians’ treatment of children and adolescents with:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Suicidal ideation
- Behavioral problems
- Poor school performance
- Learning disabilities
- And more
As a member of KSKidsMAP, you have access to a number of services we provide:
- Support services through the toll-free Consultation Line
- Mental health and community resources
- Toolkits and best practices information
- Case consultation
- KSKidsMAP TeleECHO Clinic
Enroll in KSKidsMAP
Complete the enrollment form, attestation statements and digital signature to become a KSKidsMAP provider. After enrolling, you'll receive an email from us with more information.
- Complete enrollment form, attestation statements, digital signature and submit
- After completing the form, you will be a KSKidsMAP provider with access to services
- You will receive an email from KSKidsMAP with more information on services
Contact our social work care coordinator at 1-800-332-6262 or email KSKidsMap@kumc.edu.
KSKidsMAP Network
In Kansas, 99 out of 105 counties are designated as mental health professional shortage areas, leaving 70% of Kansas children and adolescents with unmet mental health needs. Of the counties designated as HPSA, 23 out of 99 have primary care physicians to fill this gap. KSKidsMAP aims to create a community of physicians and clinicians from across Kansas coming together to share, learn and support each other in their treatment of children and adolescents with mental and behavioral health concerns. As of Spring 2022, the KSKidsMAP network has grown to 200 physicians from 63 of the 105 Kansas counties.
Services and Support
This program allows physicians and other clinicians in Kansas to connect with a social work care coordinator for referral information and mental health resources. The physician and/or clinician can also receive case consultation services from the pediatric mental health team, which includes a child and adolescent psychiatrist, a child and adolescent psychologist, and a pediatrician.
The KSKidsMAP Pediatric Mental Health Team can provide recommendations and education based on best practices to screen, assess, diagnose and treat children and adolescents who are presenting with behavioral challenges.
The KSKidsMAP Consultation Line is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. Any contact received after hours will be returned within the next business day.
What is TeleECHO?
Through technology-supported mentoring and case-based learning, TeleECHO moves knowledge to the right place at the right time for the right outcomes. KSKidsMAP TeleECHO focuses on supporting the treatment of mental and behavioral health concerns in children and adolescents in a primary care setting. KSKidsMAP TeleECHO Clinic meets twice a month, every first and third Tuesday over the noon hour, for mentorship through case-based learning, clinical discussion and brief-focused didactics learning from each other's experiences to support knowledge in practice. KSKidsMAP TeleECHO Clinic is facilitated by the pediatric mental health team. Participation in TeleECHO clinic will provide opportunities for CMEs and continuing education.
KSKidsMAP for Autism, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and Intellectual Disabilities (KANDID) was created in response to the increasing number of physicians and clinicians requesting support for pediatric patients with mental health care needs within these specific populations. A sub-program of KSKidsMAP, KANDID offers case consultations, office hours, specific TeleECHO Clinic sessions, and an annual in-person workshop. The expanded pediatric mental health expert team includes physicians board-certified in child and adolescent psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, pediatrics, developmental behavioral pediatrics, a child and adolescent clinical psychologist, and a licensed social worker, all with expertise in KANDID populations. The KANDID team is available for scheduled case consultations on Friday mornings between 8:00-9:00AM.
KANDID Office Hours: In addition to regularly scheduled consults, the KANDID team offers open office hours every Friday between 9:00-10:00AM. Current KSKidsMAP participants connect virtually and ask general or patient specific questions related to autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, and intellectual disabilities. If you are not enrolled in KSKidsMAP and interested in participating, email us at kskidsmap@kumc.edu or call 1-800-332-6262 for more information.
KANDID Annual Workshop: Started in 2023, the KANDID workshop provides an in-person opportunity to learn from subject experts on topics related to children with autism, neurodevelopmental disorders and intellectual disabilities. The interactive workshop offers continuing education and is available for free to KSKidsMAP participants.
TeleECHO Clinics: Keep an eye out for information regarding upcoming KANDID TeleECHOs! Scheduled during KSKidsMAP regular TeleECHO Clinics, these KANDID sessions will have a didactic and case focused on autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, and/or intellectual disabilities. Join us the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 12:00-1:15 PM for our KSKidsMAP TeleECHO Clinics.
KSKidsMAP Newsletter
Sign up to receive the KSKidsMap newsletter. KSKidsMAP newsletter editions include the following:
- Summer 2024
- Spring 2024
- Winter 2024
- Summer 2023
- Winter 2023
- Fall 2022
- Spring 2022
- Winter 2021
- October 2021
- July 2021
- March 2021
Project Impact Paper
Th KSKidsMAP Pediatric Mental Health Project Impact Paper was prepared by KSKidsMAP staff: Amanda Aguila Gonzalez, MPH; Rachel Brown, MBBS; Kari Harris, M.D.; Nicole Klaus, Ph.D.; Polly Freeman, LBSW MSW; Cari Schmidt, Ph.D.; Ashley Hervey, Med; and Kelsee Torrez, MPA, with contributions from the Kansas Governor’s Behavioral Health Services Planning Council’s Children’s Subcommittee.
Pediatric Mental Health Team
Rachel Brown, MBBS
Board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist
Professor and chair, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
KU School of Medicine-Wichita
Susanna Ciccolari Micaldi, M.D.
Board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist
Clinical assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
KU School of Medicine-Wichita
Cassie Karlsson, M.D.
Board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist
Associate professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
KU School of Medicine-Wichita
Kari Harris, M.D.
Board-certified pediatrician
Associate professor, Department of Pediatrics
KU School of Medicine-Wichita
Nicole Klaus, Ph.D.
Board-certified child and adolescent psychologist
Associate professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
KU School of Medicine-Wichita
Jenna Wellman, LMSW
KSKidsMap Care Coordinator
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
KU School of Medicine-Wichita
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as a part of an award totaling $2,134,666 with 20% financed with nongovernmental sources. The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.