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Student Awards

Ron Martin, M.D., was professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita from 1988 to the time of his death in 1998. Dr. Martin, a prominent researcher, clinician and teacher, was committed to fostering interest among medical students in psychiatry as a career. Accordingly, the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences in Wichita is pleased to announce The Ron Martin, M.D., Scholarship Fund for Medical Students. Based upon appropriate submissions, the following awards will be made available to third- and fourth-year students at the University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita who have successfully completed their required psychiatry clerkship:

  • Ron Martin, M.D., Award for Best Psychiatric Paper. Annually, a faculty review committee will evaluate papers submitted by medical students on a topic in psychiatry. The submitted paper, such as a case report or review article, should be in a journal format. It is recommended that paper submissions be prepared under the guidance of a faculty mentor selected by the student. The deadline for paper submissions is June 15. The dollar amount of the cash award is determined annually.
  • Ron Martin, M.D., Award for Psychiatry Elective Performance. Annually, the department faculty may nominate and select a student from those who have distinguished themselves by outstanding performance during an elective course experience in psychiatry. The dollar amount of the cash award is determined annually. The awards committee will review nominations and supporting performance summaries at their annual meeting in April for the May graduation award ceremony.
  • Ron Martin, M.D., Award for Psychiatry Clerkship Performance. Annually, the department faculty nominates and selects a student from those who have distinguished themselves by outstanding performance in the required psychiatry clerkship. The dollar amount of the cash award is determined annually. The awards committee will review nominations and supporting clerkship performance summaries at their annual meeting in April for the May graduation ceremony.

Interested students are encouraged to contact the director of medical student education in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences-Wichita for additional information on application procedures and award availability.

2021 Award Recipients

SiriousElizabeth Sirois - Ron Martin, M.D., Award for Outstanding Performance in the Clerkship

LeikerJames Leiker - Ron Martin, M.D., Award for Psychiatry Elective Performance


Ronda Magness
Medical student clerkship coordinator

KU School of Medicine-Wichita

1010 North Kansas
Wichita, KS 67214-3199