Emeritus Professorships
Lyle E Baade, Ph.D., ABPP Cn
Professor Emeritus Awarded in 2018
Lyle E Baade, Ph.D. joined the faculty in 1978 as Assistant Professor, was promoted to Associate Professor in 1980, then Professor in 2008. Among other distinguished roles, Dr. Baade served as acting chair in 2010 and 2011, and interim chair from 2012 to 2014 before taking on a more formal role as chair from 2014 – 2018.
Dr. Baade held a Diplomate in Clinical Neuropsychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology / American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology, and clinical interests were in the areas of forensic neuropsychological assessment, dementia and response bias.
Dr. Baade pioneered neuropsychology in Kansas, being the first person in Kansas to be board certified as a neuropsychologist by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He established the neuropsychology internship and postdoctoral training program in the department.
Dr. Baade was very active in his research, achieving more than 300 citations a year in his last 5 years on faculty.
In 2014, Dr. Baade was awarded the Jayhawk Lifetime Achievement Award for Mentoring and the Albert Bandura Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions to the psychology community through service and academic work.
Dr. Baade retired in 2018 after 40 years of service to the department, the university and the community at large.
Don Brada, M.D.
Professor Emeritus Awarded in 2011
Don Brada, M.D. retired in 2011 after being with the department for 12 years. During his tenure, Dr. Brada served as an interim chair, director of residency training program, and associate dean for Graduate Medical Education. Dr. Brada was awarded Clinical Professor Emeritus in July 2011. Dr. Brada continues to be involved with the KU community and advocate for psychiatry.
George Dyck, M.D.
Professor Emeritus Awarded in 2001
George Dyck, M.D. retired in 2001 after being with the department for 28 years. Dr. Dyck was the first chair of the department in 1973, and he contributed greatly to the field of psychiatry, and to the training of medical students, residents and geropsychiatry fellows. Dr. Dyck was awarded Professor Emeritus in July 2001.
Connie Marsh, M.D.
Professor Emeritus Awarded in 2022
Connie Marsh, M.D. joined the faculty as a clinical professor in 1989, was promoted to clinical assistant professor in 1992, then clinical associate professor in 2003.
In Dr. Marsh’s 33 years with the department, she brought clinical expertise to the interface between medicine and psychiatry in her teaching of medical students, psychiatry residents, and psychology interns and fellows. Dr. Marsh led the clinical teaching services for the acute inpatient unit, the consult-liaison service, and in recent years the geriatric psychiatry inpatient and outpatient services. Dr. Marsh developed policies and procedures for clinical service that simultaneously provided excellent clinical care and the opportunity for outstanding clinical learning. Dr. Marsh directed the department’s geriatric fellowship program for 10 years and developed and directed a variety of other clinical experiences and electives for learners at all levels.
Dr. Marsh has provided insight and advice to department leadership on a number of challenging issues, including faculty mentoring, resident coaching, resident curriculum, and the array of administrative obstacles encountered in leading a department.
Dr. Marsh is a true professional, whose role in the department is much valued, as a clinician educator, leader and mentor to others.
C. Don Morgan, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Awarded in 2018
C. Don Morgan, Ph.D. joined the faculty as an assistant professor July 1, 1990 and was promoted to associate professor July 1, 1995.
In Dr. Morgan’s 28 years with the University of Kansas School of Medicine, Dr. Morgan has exemplified exceptional teaching and collaboration with Wichita State University. While on faculty with KU he has provided guidance to 14 WSU dissertation projects. His research group developed in collaboration with WSU professors has averaged two posters at national and international meetings every year since he joined the faculty.
Dr. Morgan’s dry sense of humor and unique ability to present the complexities of personality disorders to medical students, psychology interns and psychiatry residents has been a unique asset to this department. Dr. Morgan is deserving of our gratitude for 28 years of exemplary service.
Glenn J. Veenstra Jr. Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Awarded in 2020
Glenn J. Veenstra Jr. Ph.D. joined the faculty as an assistant professor July 1, 1979 and was promoted to associate professor July 1, 1984.
In Dr. Veenstra’s 39 years with the University of Kansas School of Medicine, Dr. Veenstra stood out both as a teacher and as a clinician. He was named teacher of the year four times by the psychiatry residents and his services as a clinician have been highly sought after. He has presented papers and workshops at national and international meetings more than 50 times. These presentations have include numerous invitations to full day training workshops sponsored by the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. Additionally, he presented at the Kansas Governor’s Conference on Prevention of Child Abuse on three separate occasions. Through such presentations Dr. Veenstra has enhanced the reputation of this department and the School of Medicine.