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You will be expected to wear your white coat and bring your stethoscope.  You are NOT allowed to take your digital device or reference books into the rooms.

The envelopes with student’s names contain their individual schedule and their ID Labels for the needed stations.  Check that the ID number is correct (they will have to use a pen to cross out the wrong number and write in their own number if there is a mistake). 

“These are your “ID Labels” Place one on your answer sheets at the specified stations.  When you present to a physician, hand one to him/her before you leave the room.”

You have 15 minutes with each patient and 10-15 minutes for each OCSE station.  Please do not write in the charts.  You will be given a scratch pad for your use. 

There will be a 5-minute warning before the end of each station.
An announcement will inform you when your time is up.
Move quickly to the next station to stay on time or if on a BYE go to the waiting room and wait to be called for your next station. You are expected to stay and be in the waiting room during your BYE.   

Unlike the scenarios we did during the clerkship where you were to play the part of the doctor with no preceptor, you are now 3rd year students and not expected to perform beyond that level of training. But do cover the assigned tasks.

You may have seen some of these patients in another role in the past.  Suspend any preconceived ideas you might have about them-these scenarios are all new.  It is to your advantage to treat each encounter like it is the “real thing”.

The University Honor System is in effect.  Please do not discuss the cases or OSCE stations with any other student.  Return to the waiting room between cases and do not talk about the cases. Please limit your conversation to non-testing topics. 

You will be checked out when you return your OSCE evaluation form to the one of the staff members.




Where: Meet in Jayhawk Conference Room next to the SP Center.  From there you will be directed to rooms in the Standardized Patient area.

What: The OSCE is a practical exam in which you will be expected to demonstrate skills you have learned over the course of the Family Practice Clerkship. The OSCE will count toward your grade for each clerkship.  It is pass/fail and you must pass the OSCE in order to complete the clerkships.

You will rotate through 8-10 stations that include:

3 standardized patient (SP) encounters, approximately 15 minutes each.  These will test your ability to perform an appropriate history and/or physical exam and/or patient communication regarding common problems in ambulatory care.  These will be similar to the standardized patients you have seen before with problems that have been covered in your didactic material from the courses.  Expect to see patients who range in age from adolescent through elderly.

1 station in which you will write a SOAP note following one of the SP encounters

1 station in which you will orally present one of your SP encounters to a faculty member as if presenting to your preceptor.

1-3 stations in which you are to demonstrate diagnostic skills such as EKG interpretation, x-ray interpretation or interpretation of dermatological conditions from photos.

Unlike the scenarios we did during the clerkship where you were to play the part of the doctor with no preceptor, you are now 3rd year students and not expected to perform beyond that level of training.

You will be expected to wear your white coat and bring your stethoscope.  You are NOT allowed to take your digital device or reference books into the room.

 Read and follow the instructions on the inter-station exercises carefully so you can effectively utilize your time.

KU School of Medicine-Wichita

1010 North Kansas
Wichita, KS 67214-3199