Library Services & Resources
If you have any questions about our services please contact us at 316-293-2629 or reach out to a staff member.
Computer Lab
The library computer lab is for the use of KUSM-W affiliates, which includes medical students, MPH students, residents, faculty and staff. The computer lab is located in the reference area on the first floor of the Farha Medical Library.
Study Rooms
Three study rooms are available for individual or group study. Study areas and study tables are available throughout the library on the first and lower levels.
The Wichita Eagle and The Wall Street Journal are located in the main reading area of the library. Newspapers are retained in the library for one week following the publication date.
A photocopier is located on the main level by the front desk.
Anatomic Models
Various models are available for check-out.
Loan Periods
- Review Books: 6 weeks
- Stacks: 4 weeks
- Gold Humanism: 4 weeks
- Flashcards: 3 weeks
- Reference books: Library use only
Farha Medical Library material may be brought to the circulation desk staff for check out. Borrowing privileges are extended to the University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita students, residents, faculty and staff.
Borrowing materials from the library is a privilege, not a right. You must be in good standing with the library and not have any overdue items or outstanding fines/charges in order to continue borrowing.
Library material may be renewed at the discretion of the Farha Medical Library staff. Renew items before the date due. Library items may be renewed one time.
Please send the patron's name and the barcode of the item with the renewal request. Email renewal requests to or call 316-293-2629.
Donations and Gifts
Donations of materials are accepted by the library with the understanding that once received, the materials are owned by the library. All donated materials will be reviewed by library staff and may be used, repurposed, or disposed of at the discretion of library administrators. The library will consider accepting donations of materials with special restrictions such as placement, treatment, retention, audience and so forth; however, any special restrictions must be negotiated and agreed to prior to donations being accepted. A letter of acknowledgment will be provided to donors who choose to include appropriate contact information. The library staff cannot provide appraisals or estimates of the value of donated materials. It is the donor's responsibility to place a value on gift items as required for any tax reporting purposes. Please call ahead regarding possible donations to the library.
Interlibrary Loan Policies
Requesting Interlibrary Loans
- Check the Farha online catalog to make certain the material is not available in the library.
- If the material is unavailable in the Farha Medical Library, please submit requests by email to or by phone at 316-293-2629. Standard requests will be processed with 2-3 days.
Rush requests must be submitted by phone. - Hard copy materials can take up to 10 days to be delivered depending on mail services.
- Electronic materials can take 3-5 days to be delivered.
- When the material is received, you will be notified by email. Electronic items will be sent as a PDF email attachment. Hard copy items may be picked up at the circulation desk during normal business hours.
Loan Periods
The loan period for books is determined by the lending library and is usually at least two weeks. The due date is written on the colored band attached to the book.
Renewal of interlibrary loan materials will be handled through the Farha interlibrary loan staff. Renewal requests must be made prior to the due date.
Snack & Learn sessions offered by George J. Farha Library are designed to educate patrons on library services, develop library research skills, and provide direct interaction with library staff. Standard sessions are offered once every quarter, with additional sessions created and presented upon request.
If you have a specific topic you would like to be considered for a Snack & Learn session, please contact the library.
Farha Medical Library offers help to the library user who wants guidance in finding information. Reference services can help to:
- Offer possible courses of investigation
- Identify sources of information (print and electronic)
- Assist with search strategy development for electronic databases
- Suggest other library services, such as interlibrary loan and online resources
The purpose of this guide is to provide links to medical image websites. Check the usage policies for each site before downloading images. Free usage is allowed on some sites for educational purposes, while others require permission or user registration fees. Some websites permit only links to their site and do not allow downloading of images.
Medical Images
Genetics Graphics Gallery
Graphic Gallery is a series of labeled diagrams with explanations representing the important processes of biotechnology. Each diagram is followed by a summary of information, providing a context for the process illustrated.
Google Image Search
Google’s search engine can be used to search for images on the Internet. Go to Google’s home page and click on the image tab. Enter specific search terms to retrieve images.
Hardin MD – Medical Disease Pictures
The University of Iowa’s Hardin Medical Library MD (meta directory) lists free medical images of diseases, conditions, and medical diagrams.
Health Education Assets Library (HEAL)
HEAL is a digital library of teaching materials for health sciences education. HEAL is a searchable and browsable database of over 2,000 digital images, audio clips and video clips covering the areas of dermatology, ObGyn, neuroanatomy, neurology, pathology, biochemistry and cardiology.
This is a unique repository of over 6,800 medical images and videos, pertaining to 1,700 topics and themes. This database has been created manually by Hon and new image links are constantly being added from the worldwide Web.
Images from the History of Medicine
This system provides access to the nearly 60,000 images in the prints and photograph collection of the History of Medicine Division (HMD) of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). The collection includes portraits, pictures of institutions, caricatures, genre scenes, and graphic art in a variety of media, illustrating the social and historical aspects of medicine.
MedlinePlus Encyclopedia
The Adam Health Illustrated Encyclopedia includes an extensive library of medical photographs and illustrations.
Public Health Image Library (PHIL)
Created by a Working Group and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PHIL offers an organized, universal electronic gateway to CDC’s pictures. The content is organized into hierarchical categories of people, places, and science and is presented as single images, image sets and multimedia files. Public health professions, the media, laboratory scientists, educators, and the public may use the material for reference, teaching, presentation and public health messages.
The Visible Human Project
Is a complete anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representation of the normal male and female human bodies.
The Whole Brain Atlas
This atlas of the human brain includes still pictures and movies. Portions of the work may be used for personal and educational purposes provided proper attribution and context are given.
Visuals Online
The National Cancer Institute’s Visuals Online database contains images from the collection of the Communication Services Branch and Mass Media Office of the Office of Communications, National Cancer Institute. Contents include general biomedical and science-related images, cancer-specific scientific and patient care-related images, and portraits of the director and staff at the National Cancer Institute. All images are in the public domain and may be used, linked, or reproduced without permission. If an image is used, credit should be given to the listed source and/or author.
Saving an Image from a Website
- Right-click on the image
- Choose “Save picture as”
- Choose the drive and directory where you want to save the image.
- Choose a filename. The default filename may not be particularly descriptive. If you are saving numerous images, pick filenames that are helpful to you. You may also want to set up a folder for your images.
Adding an Image to a PowerPoint Presentation
- In PowerPoint, with the presentation open, click on the Insert pull-down menu.
- Choose Picture, and from the menu that appears to the right, select From File.
- Browse to the location where you saved the image and double-click on it to add it to your presentation.
Copyright Information
Just because you are able to take an image from a webpage, does not make it legal to do so! Please review each website’s Usage Policy and Copyright Information before utilizing their images. Some websites are free, some are restrictive, some are view only, some require permission to use via email and some require payment for use of images.