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We give out annual awards recognizing achievements among our Urology residents, as well as an appreciation award for one outstanding faculty member.

2023-2024 Teacher Appreciation Award

Larry Long with the 2024 Department of Urology Teacher Appreciation AwardTeacher Appreciation Award
Larry Long, Jr., Ph.D.
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry

Our Teacher Appreciation Award recognizes one outstanding faculty for their sincere dedication to the education of urology residents.

2023-2024 Resident Leadership Awards

Urology Chief in-service award recipient Caleb MillerChief In-Service Award
Caleb Miller, M.D. 

The Chief In-Service Award is presented to the chief resident who achieves the highest score on the urology in-service exam.

Urology Senior in-service award Jordan Stiverson, M.D. (right) poses with Kasey Kowalik

Senior In-Service Award
Jordan Stiverson, M.D.
The Senior In-Service Award is presented to the PG3-PG4 resident who achieves the highest score on the urology in-service exam.

Urology Junior in-service award recipient Aaron TveryeJunior In-Service Award and Social Media Officer, Aaron Tverye, M.D. (center)
The Junior In-Service Award is presented to the PG1-PG2 resident who achieves the highest score on the urology in-service exam.

Urology Ambulatory Care Award recipient Amber McMahon, M.D.Ambulatory Care Award, Amber McMahon, M.D. (right)
The Ambulatory Care Award is presented to the resident who demonstrates excellence, responsiveness and reliability in the ambulatory setting.

Urology OR Choice Award recipient Matthew McLeay M.D.OR Choice Award, Matthew McLeay, M.D. (far right)
The OR Choice Award is presented to the resident who demonstrates excellence, responsiveness and reliability in the operating room.

Urology Peer Recognition Award recipient Crystal Valadon, M.D.Peer Recognition Award, Crystal Valadon, M.D.
The Peer Recognition Award is presented to the resident who models qualities of collegiality, leadership and selflessness to their peers.

Urology Humanism Award recipient Matthew McLeayUncle Aj Humanism Award, Matthew McLeay, M.D. (right)
The Uncle Aj Humanism Award is presented to the resident who models qualities of compassion, integrity, altruism and respect to their peers and faculty.

Education Officers
Dane Stephens, M.D. and Michael Creswell, M.D.

School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Urology
Mail Stop 3016
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160
Phone: 913-588-6146