Educational Conferences
Journal Club: This weekly conference is led by surgeons in the Division of Acute Care Surgery and is attended by critical care fellow(s), residents, medical students and division faculty. A fellow will be assigned to lead the discussion each week and will be responsible for presenting articles. The faculty members choose the topics and assist with article selection.
Core Curriculum Multidisciplinary Conference: This weekly conference, moderated by a critical care attending was developed specifically for the fellowship. It is attended by the fellows from the various critical care fellowships in the health system (Medical, Surgical, and Anesthesia), residents and medical students, advanced practice providers, and faculty from MICU, anesthesia critical care, SICU, trauma, emergency general surgery services as available. Each week, a different core curriculum topic will be discussed. Utilizing the expertise of various critical care specialists enhances the learning and collaboration opportunities. The residents/fellow(s) will be expected to utilize the available data in the medical literature to discuss the topic and relate the information to the patient population in the ICU.
Trauma Morbidity and Mortality Conference: This weekly conference moderated by the Trauma Medical Director, is attended by the division faculty, fellow(s), residents on the SICU/trauma service, advanced practice providers, and trauma administrative staff. Complications on the Trauma service are discussed. The patents' hospital course, operative interventions, complications, and adherence to standard of care and practice management guidelines will be discussed. It is expected that patient charts be reviewed prior to the conference to ensure an educated discussion. Determinations will be made on each case regarding opportunity for improvement in the care of said patient and if the case should be escalated to the monthly multidisciplinary Peer Review Committee. This conference is peer protected information and confidential.
Trauma Peer Review: Monthly multidisciplinary process improvement conference regarding the care of the trauma patient.
Trauma Systems: Monthly multidisciplinary conference that reviews policies and procedures related to trauma patients.
Trauma Video Review: Monthly multidisciplinary conference focusing on team dynamics, efficiency and the care of the trauma patient in the resuscitation bay.
GME Core Competency Conference Series: Series goal is to provide accessible and valuable instruction aligned with the ACGME Competencies and CLER Pathways and support KUH Quality and Safety Initiatives. Presentations are often case-based and audience participation is encouraged.