Radiation Oncology Residency Application Process
Step 1: Apply
Application Deadline: October 31
Apply Online: Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS)
Additional Required Materials: (Submit Through ERAS)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Personal Statement
- Graduate Transcripts
- USMLE Results
- Three Letters of Recommendation
Step 2: Interview
Following the review of applications, invitations for interviews will be sent by e-mail. Interviews will be held from November through January.
Thank you for your interest in the program.
For further information, contact the program by mail, phone or e-mail:
Andrew Hoover, M.D.
Associate Professor
Residency Program Director
Email: ahoover2@kumc.edu
June Cho, MS
Educational Program Manager
Phone: 913-574-0406
Fax: 913-588-3663
Email: jcho6@kumc.edu
Department of Radiation Oncology
The University of Kansas Medical Center
4001 Rainbow Blvd., Mailstop 4033
Kansas City, Kansas 66160