Review our training schedule for our residents.
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Residents in the combined Internal Medicine/Psychiatry program will alternate between 6 months of internal medicine rotations and 6 months of psychiatry rotations.
Internal medicine rotations are 3 week blocks*, each followed by a “+1 week,” during which residents will have the following:
- Internal medicine continuity clinics
- A variety of internal medicine subspecialty clinics
- Simulation lab sessions
- Dedicated board prep time
- Psychiatry didactics
- One half day of psychiatry clinic (subspecialty or continuity)
- “Friday School” small group didactics
Psychiatry rotations are 4 week blocks with one half day per week of didactics, plus 2 half days of internal medicine continuity clinic per 4 week block.
We feel this scheduling system allows residents time to be fully immersed in each specialty, while still maintaining a connection to the other specialty.
Postgraduate years 1 and 2
Postgraduate years 1 and 2 consist of the following rotations at KU Medical Center and Kansas City Veterans Affairs Hospital (KCVA). Some residents may have one block of general medicine at the Leavenworth Veterans Affairs Hospital.
Internal medicine
- Inpatient general medicine service
- Inpatient subspecialty medicine service (cardiology and hematology or oncology)
- Critical care medicine
- Inpatient medicine night float
- Medical subspecialty consult services
- Inpatient psychiatry
- Inpatient psychiatry swing shift and night float (KCVA only)
- Substance abuse (KCVA only)
- Addictions and pain management (KU Medical Center only)
- Psychiatry consults and emergency psychiatry
- Geriatrics and ECT integrated into other rotations
- Outpatient continuity clinic one half day per week starting in PGY-2 year
Postgraduate years 3, 4 and 5
Postgraduate years 3, 4 and 5 consist of the following rotations at KU Medical Center and KCVA. Some residents may have one block of general medicine at the Leavenworth Veterans Affairs Hospital.
Internal Medicine
- Inpatient general medicine (supervisory role)
- Inpatient subspecialty medicine (supervisory role)
- Subspecialty consults
- Critical care medicine
- Inpatient medicine night float
- Emergency medicine
- Neurology
- Inpatient psychiatry
- Inpatient child & adolescent psychiatry
- Psychiatry consults & emergency psychiatry
- Psychiatry elective
- 12 consecutive months of outpatient psychiatry, which includes
- 12 months at KU Medical Center (some residents may spend part of this time at KCVA for 6 months)
- 1 day per week for 6 months at a community mental health center (Bert Nash or ReDiscover)
- Psychotherapy, plus weekly individual and group psychotherapy supervision