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Psychiatry training programs recognize the class of 2020

The department celebrated graduates of its psychiatry training programs and announced several departmental awards during the virtual ceremony.

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Kansas Medical Center recognized the 2019-20 graduates of its psychiatry training programs during a June 13 virtual celebration.

The department honored 11 residents from the psychiatry and internal medicine/psychiatry programs and three fellows from child and adolescent psychiatry.

The psychiatry graduates included:

  • Anthony Ceman, M.D.
  • Danielle Craig, M.D.
  • Gershom Hernandez, M.D.
  • Timothy Kaatman, M.D.
  • Joseph Pullara, M.D.
  • Nadia Saina, M.D.
  • Mark Sundahl, M.D.

Specializing in child and adolescent psychiatry requires an initial training period in psychiatry. This year, two psychiatry residents were recognized as they transition out of the program to continue their training in child and adolescent psychiatry.

  • Kyle Ahonen, D.O.
  • Brayden Willis, D.O.

The internal medicine/psychiatry program honored:

  • Laura Henkle, M.D.
  • Asif Uddin, M.D.

The graduating child and adolescent psychiatry fellows included:

  • Aasritha Ganta, M.D.
  • Ashley Marcuccio, D.O.
  • Elizabeth Waldman, D.O.

"Those who have more opportunity must do more," said William Gabrielli, M.D., Ph.D., chair of the department, in a message to graduates during the ceremony. "You are privileged, you have skills. You are now KU docs forever, and you have opportunities that only a few people have. It's your turn now. I know that you will make me proud. Congratulations and best wishes."

Blending multiple themes from past graduation messages that remain relevant today, Gabrielli encouraged graduates to see the best in the current circumstances as well as to be thankful and embrace the opportunity to make a difference in the world.

"Who would have expected that this message would be coming from my library in Shawnee, Kansas? Who would have expected that we would be learning new ways to live and practice and even care for our families?" he said. "We are the lucky ones. We have survived. We've developed new skills. We have a job. We're making a difference in people's lives, and we can yet make a difference in the world."

In addition to honoring graduates during the celebration, the department also paused to acknowledge the recipients of several departmental awards.

Student Voice Awards (Voted on and presented by medical students)

  • Ashley Belcher, D.O. (Faculty)
  • Kyle Ahonen, D.O. (Resident)
  • Ben Nissen, M.D. (Resident)

Excellence in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Awards
Excellence in Scholarship

  • Aasritha Ganta, M.D.

Excellence in Psychotherapy

  • Ashley Marcuccio, D.O.

Excellence in Patient-Centered Care

  • Elizabeth Waldman, D.O.

Fellow of the Year

  • Ashley Marcuccio, D.O.

Excellence in Scholarship Awards (Presented to residents who achieved a top score on the psychiatry in-training exam)

  • Kyle Ahonen, D.O.
  • Anthony Bianchi, D.O.
  • Laura Henkle, M.D.
  • Rachael Kim, D.O.
  • Tyler Kjorvestad, M.D.
  • Gregory Maggio, D.O.
  • Nadia Saina, M.D.
  • Mark Sundahl, M.D.
  • Evan Thompson, D.O.
  • Danielle Wentzel, D.O.
  • Adam Wetzel, M.D.

Aashish R. Parikh Resident Scholarship Award (Presented to the resident who scored the highest on the psychiatric resident in-training exam)

  • Laura Henkle, M.D.

Residents' Choice Awards (Voted on by residents and presented to faculty members in recognition of outstanding teaching contributions)

  • Krisha Divadeenam, M.D., Kansas City VA (PGY1 and PGY2)
  • Kelly Bisel, D.O. (PGY-3, PGY-4 and PGY-5)

Shawn M. Storm, M.D. Memorial Award (Presented to a graduating resident for consistently demonstrating the highest professional qualities in all aspects of patient-centered care)

  • Laura Henkle, M.D.

2019-20 Chief residents - Kansas City VA Medical Center

  • Joseph Pullara, M.D.
  • Nadia Saina, M.D.
  • Danielle Craig, M.D.

2019-20 Chief residents - University of Kansas Medical Center

  • Laura Henkel, M.D.
  • Kyle Ahonen, D.O.
  • Tyler Josephs, D.O.

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

University of Kansas Medical Center
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
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