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The (S)HE team trains students and junior faculty at all stages - from high school, to undergraduates, nursing, graduate public health, medical students, and public health and physician scientists. Trainees have been supported by the McNair Scholars program, NIH diversity supplements, the KU Clendening fellowships, KU Cancer Center, and the Frontiers CTSI KL2 program.

If you are interested in working as a trainee on the (S)HE team, please email Project Director Joi Wickliffe your CV and a statement of interest.

Below we feature the work of former high school student and current undergraduate, James Walker, who participated in the KU Cancer Center Accelerate Cancer Education program in 2018. For his summer internship, he created an HPV and cervical cancer educational comic. You can email James Walker directly. Download the full Comic

comic news clippingComic

(S)HE: Sexual Health Empowerment

Joi Wickliffe
Project Director
(913) 588-2646