RADx-UP Team
About the Study Team
The RADxUP Kansas Project team is an interdisciplinary group of experts, drawing on diverse experiences in public health, community partnerships, communications and more.
The Community and Scientific Advisory Board provides guidance to the RADxUP Kansas Project team.
- Lindsay Byrnes, MD, MPH
- Cristi Cain
- Rev. Tony Carter, Jr.
- Aaron Davis, MPF, MBA
- Andrew K. Godwin, PhD
- Alix Guerrero, Health Equity Manager, Office of the Secretary, State of Kansas
- Rudy Lara
- Jerrihlyn McGee, DNP, RN, CNE
- Andrea Morales-Perfomo, LSCSW
- Callie Remschner-Dyer
- Mang Sonna
- Michelle Vann
The Principal Investigators lead the RADx-UP Kansas Project team and are responsible for administration of the grant.
Allen Greiner, M.D., MPH, Public Health Practice Principal Investigator, coordinates and facilitates partnerships across the 10 counties within the COVID-19 health equity learning collaborative. He is also the Medical Officer for the Wyandotte County Unified Government Health Department, Vice Chair of the Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, and Professor at the KU School of Medicine.
Ed Ellerbeck,M.D., MPH, Research Methods Principal Investigator, oversees both qualitative and quantitative needs assessment efforts, development of implementation strategies, and evaluation strategies. He is also the Chair of the Department of Population Health and Professor at the KU School of Medicine.
Mario Castro, M.D., MPH , Director, Frontiers: University of Kansas Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) at the University of Kansas Medical Center, helps align needs assessments and community engagement activities with anticipated future vaccination efforts. He is also Vice Chair for Clinical and Translational Research and Division Chief, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at the KU School of Medicine.
The administration team coordinates the daily operations of the RADx-UP Kansas Project team.
Laura Mussulman, MA, MPH , Co-Project Director, oversees onboarding and coordinating each county. She provides administrative support and facilitates invoicing. She coordinates the daily operations of the project. She is the primary contact for these counties: Douglas, Johnson, Lyon, Riley, Sedgwick
Stacy McCrea-Robertson provides invoicing support for counties and consultants. She is the primary point of contact for gift cards for the key informant interviews and community member surveys.
The needs assessment team provides leadership and support the community's needs assessments.
Elizabeth Ablah, Ph.D., MPH, Team Co-Lead, provides leadership and support to the community needs assessment (mapping, key informant interviews, community wide survey). She works with Sarah Kessler to guide and advise implementation of testing at work site locations and provide consultative support to Local Health Equity Action Teams. She is also Professor in the Department of Population Health, KU School of Medicine-Wichita.
Vicki Collie-Akers, Ph.D., MPH, Team Co-Lead, provides leadership and support to the community needs assessment (mapping, key informant interviews, community wide survey). She provides consultative support to Local Health Equity Action Teams. She is also Associate Professor in the Department of Population Health, KU School of Medicine.
Allison Honn provides assistance and support to the community needs assessment (mapping, key informant interviews, community wide survey).
Sarah Landry provides assistance and support to the community needs assessment (mapping, key informant interviews, community wide survey).
The communications team provides the counties support on communication initiatives, works with local media outlets and maintains the RADx-UP Kansas website.
Yvonnes Chen, Ph.D., Team Co-Lead, works closely with counties to develop a comprehensive, multi-media campaign tailored to Latinx, Refugee, African American, and other underserved populations to promote testing. She works with local media in all counties for implementation. She is the primary communication contact for these counties: Crawford, Douglas, Sedgwick
Crystal Lumpkins, Ph.D.,Team Co-Lead, informs the implementation of testing and communication strategies among each county to improve testing rates of Latinx, refugee, African American and other underserved populations. Her counties are Sedgwick and Riley
Mariana Ramirez, LMSW, Team Co-Lead, informs the implementation of testing and communication strategies among each county to improve testing rates of Latinx, refugee, African American and other underserved populations. She assists in overseeing the Spanish translation of intervention components, advertising, and media to promote testing participation among Latinx communities. She is also Director of JUNTOS Center for Advancing Latino Health at the University of Kansas Medical Center. She is the primary communication contact for these counties: Finney, Seward, Wyandotte
Ian Knight oversees the communications efforts across multiple projects while producing high-quality materials to assist with delivering content to our specified audience.
Mariana Hildreth is a bilingual communications specialist with over 8 years of work experience in Marketing and Community Development. She oversees the design and promotional efforts across multiple projects with a specific focus on testing, vaccination, and community engagement.
Sarah Finocchario Kessler, Ph.D., MPH, Team Co-Lead, oversees the design and testing strategies, including pop-up, home-based and work-place testing to enhance access and uptake of testing. She assists in the facilitation of the learning collaborative. She is also Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, KU School of Medicine.
Erin Corriveau, M.D., MPH, Team Co-Lead, helps design, implement and oversee home-based, workplace and pop-up sites and testing. She is a liaison with Local Health Equity Action Teams in each county. She is also the Deputy Health Officer for the Wyandotte County Unified Government Health Department and Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, KU School of Medicine.
Joseph LeMaster, M.D., MPH, assists in coordinating public health and research efforts between KU Medical Center and local health departments across the state. He will collaborate with the Intervention and Testing team to facilitate testing. He is also the Health Officer of Johnson County and Professor in the Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, KU School of Medicine.
Jianghua “Wendy” He, Ph.D, Team Co-Lead, provides biostatistical oversight for the accuracy and appropriateness of the study database along with performing the final statistical analyses. She is also Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics & Data Science, KU School of Medicine.
Niaman Nazir, M.D., MPH, Team Co-Lead, is responsible for programming databases and training local community staff in how to use these programs. He is also Research Associate Professor in the Department of Population Health, KU School of Medicine.