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About the Analytical Core Laboratory

The ACL was founded as a shared equipment laboratory (a Core laboratory) around 2008 as part of a Center for Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant awarded to the department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics in 2006. This COBRE grant was renewed for the third and final time in 2016 (P30GM118247).


The ACL maintains a varied instrument suite designed to assist KUMC's basic research community by providing access to the advanced instrumentation needed to examine toxicants, endogenous metabolites, biotherapeutic compounds and the products of their metabolic break-down. Stated more simply, the ACL's mission is to assist with the execution of quantitative analysis of small- or large (and intact) molecule biological analytes.  

Instruments operated in the ACL are two qPCR instruments (BioRad CFX384 and StepOnePlus), two plate-readers (Synergy 2 and Tecan Infinite 200 Pro), a HORIBA FluoroMax-4 spectrophotometer and a gel-imager (LI-COR Odyssey XF) with image analysis software (ImageStudio Lite). These instruments make up the Pharmacology department's shared instrument suite. In addition, the ACL also hosts a Waters Xevo TQ-XS and a Waters Synapt HDMS mass spectrometer, and services using these instruments are available on a collaborative basis within KUMC. However, currently no mass spectrometry services are offered outside KUMC. 

Instrument Training

Anybody wanting to use an ACL instrument has to be trained on the instrument. Interested users should contact Dr. Bruno Hagenbuch to arrange for training.

Citing the ACL

Academic publications produced using data acquired by the ACL must acknowledge the ACL's assistance and the source of its funding. We suggest that the following be added to the Acknowledgements section of your publication:

"Data presented in this work were collected with the assistance of the Analytical Core Laboratory (University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS) which in turn was supported in part by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (P20GM103549 & P30GM118247 ) of the National Institutes of Health."

The Authors must alert the ACL to publication because we are required to report our scientific output in annual progress reports to the NIH and the KUMC School of Medicine. 

School of Medicine

The University of Kansas Medical Center
Pharmacology, Toxicology & Therapeutics
Mailstop 1018
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160