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Research or Project Electives

  • Advance planning, preparation and approval for all research electives is required.
  • Written goals and objectives of the month are required for these rotations.
  • The resident is responsible for identifying the appropriate faculty member to supervise and evaluate the month. A product of some kind is required before the evaluation can be completed.

The Research Committee has created a structured research month for residents who want to learn more about research. Original research projects are also encouraged. The following are basic requirements for Research Electives:

  • Develop a general research idea and find a mentor. Submit the general idea and the mentor name to the Research & Scholarship Committee and the program director at least three months in advance of the start of the elective date.
  • At least one month prior to the start of the elective, the resident must submit a five-page document detailing the research plan and all pertinent information to the Research & Scholarship Committee in time for this information to be reviewed at a committee meeting before the start of the elective. The goal is for the resident to be able to complete the research project, and exit with a meaningful outcome by the end of the four-week rotation.
  • Meet with mentor (at least) weekly to document progress, problem solve, cover necessary learning objectives, etc.
  • Present findings of research month at Grand Attending Rounds during the Research & Scholarship slots.

Other Resident Research/Scholarly Activity

All residents will be expected to participate in a research project during residency. Projects will be as varied as residents. They may include quality improvement projects, case reports, protocol guidelines, clinical research, basic science research, educational research, etc. Some residents will choose to participate in a formal research month and others will choose to do their research during off time. In either case, a product of the research is expected. Types of product include an abstract, a paper, a poster presentation, a platform presentation, or a guidebook. More information about the research expectations will be provided by the Research Committee.

School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Pediatrics
Mail Stop 4004
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160
Phone: 913-588-6338