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Parent/Family Training

The Center for Child Health and Development believes education and training is important to the support of individuals with developmental disorders including autism spectrum disorder and Fragile X Syndrome.  We provide workshops and training to teach skills that are evidence-based in order to improve outcomes for individuals with developmental disorders. 

Children, adolescents and young adults with special needs often require more medical, mental health, educational and family support services than their same age peers. Many parents report that it is hard to find and coordinate adequate services for their children.

Family Resource Specialists partner with families to identify the needs of the child and family to link them to information and resources.

The family support specialist will talk with the family to identify their needs and develop a care coordination plan. The Care Coordination plan will help the family access resources in their communities such as government supports, therapists, behaviorists, and future needs.

• For more information, contact Stephanie Coleman at 913.588.5741 or and you will be contacted within 48 hours.

School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Pediatrics
Mail Stop 4004
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160
Phone: 913-588-6338