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Resident Benefits

Residents at KUMC receive a competitive stipend, including annual raises and cost of living increases.

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Residents in our program benefit from Kansas City's relatively low cost of living. This allows a majority of our current residents to purchase their own homes. Public schools in Johnson County, Kan., consistently rank among the best in the nation.

The Department provides each new resident the Cumming's text book of Otolaryngology and a subscription to Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. White coats and otoscopes are also provided.

The cost of parking at KUMC, medical licenses, and gym membership to Kirmayer Fitness Center are covered by KU Graduate Medical Education. Residents are also provided funds during their PGY-2 year to purchase surgical loupes.

Residents are provided a work station at KUMC in the resident work rooms with access to computers for word processing, spreadsheets, statistical analysis and reference retrieval. Image analysis and graphic services are supplemented by extensive multimedia facilities, including a large format poster printer.

For more information on resident benefits, please visit the KUMC Graduate Medical Education website.


Toni Holthaus, MBA
Senior Coordinator
(913) 588-6739

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Otolaryngology–
Head & Neck Surgery
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Mailstop 3010
Kansas City, KS 66160