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Residency Research

Research training is provided throughout residency. However, three months during the PGY-3 year are dedicated to research. The research rotation is monitored by the Resident Research Committee, chaired by Bryan Vopat, M.D. Residents are encouraged to start thinking about their research during the PGY-2 year and complete all research online training before starting their three month rotation. Usually data collection is completed during the three month rotation, while data analysis, preparation of presentations, and completion of manuscripts is done subsequently. Research is performed in either the Orthopedic Research and Education Center, directed by Terence McIff, MBA, Ph.D,. or the Harrington Laboratory for Molecular Orthopedics, directed by Jinxi Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Residents may also participate in clinical research with any one of the clinical faculty. Residents are required to publish a minimum of one manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal and are encouraged to present at local, regional, and national meetings. The PGY-5 residents present their research each year at our annual Leonard F. Peltier, M.D., Ph.D. Lectureship. The program includes a nationally known guest lecturer and case presentations by the PGY-3 and PGY-4 residents. Faculty, alumni, and community physicians attend the lecture.

Dr. Federico AdlerIn 2007, Dr. Federico Adler established the Betty & Federico Adler Resident Award Fund the through the KU Endowment Association. The fund provides an annual award to recognize outstanding medical research performed by a resident who conducted original research or made original contributions to ongoing research in the field of orthopedic medicine. The award is presented each year at the department's graduation ceremony.

Contact Us

Please contact Amy Phillips with any questions about the KU School of Medicine orthopedic residency program at KU Medical Center.

Amy Phillips, Senior Residency Coordinator
University of Kansas Medical Center
Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Medical Education
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Mail Stop 3017
Kansas City, KS 66160
Phone: 913-588-0575

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
Mail Stop 3017
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160