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Benefits and Resources

Discover the benefits and resources available to our residents.

Department Resources

The Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine has a variety of resources available to residents.

Residents Room
This room is located within the department's academic office and consists of three workstations with desktop computers. The room also has a sitting area with cable TV, a full bath to include a shower, and a kitchen with a full-size refrigerator and microwave oven. There is also a separate call room located on the first floor of the hospital, one floor below the OR and SICU. The room is equipped with a computer, bed, couch, TV and small refrigerator. A bathroom is located down the hall.

Reckling Library
The library is also located within the academic office. It houses orthopedic surgery textbooks and journals and provides a quiet place for study. This supplements the comprehensive A.R. Dykes Library, which has undergone a recent renovation and now has an updated computer-based search, and upgraded student classrooms and testing rooms. Additionally, the VA Medical Center and Children's Mercy Hospital also have libraries onsite for resident use.

The Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine clinics are based on the first two floors of a medical office building. There are a total of 28 exam rooms, a cast room on each floor, a physical therapy gym and hand rehab center. The outpatient clinic is staffed with nurses, physician assistants and patient service representatives. Outpatient facilities are also located on the campuses of our primary clinical partner at KU MedWest and the Indian Creek campus.

Departmental support
The department has a full complement of nursing and clerical staff to assist the residents in both the outpatient and inpatient settings. Many of our physicians have physician assistants, nurse practioners and/or RNs. The program has a full-time residency coordinator.

Resident Benefits

Residents receive many lifestyle and educational benefits from the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine and the University of Kansas Medical Center, including:

  • a competitive stipend
  • health and disability insurance
  • 15 days of vacation
  • up to 10 days of sick leave per year
  • parking
  • pagers
  • medical licenses
  • DEA registration
  • yearly $300 book allowance
  • At least one educational conference offsite annually
  • free subscription to the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery and the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Sugeons
  • AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review and Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care (incoming residents)


Resident Lifestyle

While the residents work very hard, they also take time out to relax and enjoy their families. The residency program encourages residents to participate in extracurricular activities.

Fall picnic
The department hosts a picnic each fall with food, drink and kid-friendly games for residents, faculty and their families. A football or softball game almost always ends the day's activities.

Dinner gatherings
The department also hosts a holiday dinner in December and the residents' graduation dinner in June each year for the entire department, alumni and co-workers. As part of the graduation festivities, a golf tournament is held each year on Friday before the Peltier Lecture and the resident graduation dinner.

Extracurricular activities
The residents participate in a spring and fall intermural basketball league each year. The department is a Silver Partner of the Trolley Run each spring and several of our residents and faculty participate in a bike club. Residents have participated in a local Ironman contest and several have run the Chicago marathon.

Kansas City
The metropolitan area offers a relatively low cost of living, affordable housing and excellent schools. It has an active theater district, major league football and baseball, college sports, excellent restaurants and entertainment districts. It offers something for everyone.

Contact Us

Please contact Amy Phillips with any questions about the KU School of Medicine orthopedic residency program at KU Medical Center.

Amy Phillips, Senior Residency Coordinator
University of Kansas Medical Center
Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Medical Education
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Mail Stop 3017
Kansas City, KS 66160
Phone: 913-588-0575

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
Mail Stop 3017
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160