Faculty Resources
Our goal is to provide each faculty member with the resources necessary to become an excellent teacher, clinician and researcher.
The ultimate goal of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty Mentoring Program is to guide and develop faculty members from hiring to their first promotion and to ensure a successful career as defined by both personal and professional success.
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty Mentoring Program provides structure and a process to assist, motivate and encourage junior faculty to achieve their full potential in patient care, academic and extramural service, and research/scholarship, thus ultimately earning promotion and recognition. While the mentoring program focuses primarily on junior faculty working towards their first promotion, it is not limited to that group. Mentoring efforts appropriate to other faculty, especially mid-level faculty will be addressed and suggestions made by the members of our Faculty Mentoring Committee.
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty Mentoring Program represents a formalized process by which the resources of the Department, intellectual and otherwise, are made available for facilitation. While linked to promotion within the School of Medicine as a legitimate career and development goal, the Program is also viewed in the larger context of career development. In the final analysis, the opportunity to serve as a faculty in Obstetrics and Gynecology represents freedom and responsibility to develop one's own skills and individuality, within a supportive infrastructure of facilitation.
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Mentoring Program will focus on:
- Managing a productive academic career in medicine
- Understanding the formal (and informal/implicit) values, policies and operating procedures in academic medicine
- To develop and sustain a network of professional colleagues within and outside of KU
- To know where to go for advice, help and training
Virtual Mentor
Getting Started
- Follow the SOM On-Boarding New Faculty Procedure
- Ambassador to new faculty members is Judy Grant.
Know Who's Who
- Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
Department Mentoring Formalized Program
Annual Review
Each faculty member meets with the Chairman annually to evaluate their performance over the last year and set goals for the upcoming year. Prior to the meeting, the faculty member completes a standard evaluation or Annual Faculty Assessment Summary Evaluation developed by the School of Medicine for all faculty members. The evaluation includes a review of the faculty member's activities the past year including teaching, scholarly activities and grants, clinical service, extramural and intramural service, mentoring activities and any other notable activities or accomplishments.
The form also allows the faculty member to determine if they have reached their goals set the previous year and set goals for the following year. During the meeting, the faculty member and Chairman discuss the information on the evaluation form and the Chairman adds comments for each of the sections noted above and notes whether the faculty member's performance was satisfactory, needs improvement or unsatisfactory. The form is signed by both the Chairman and faculty member and sent to the Dean's office for final approval. If it is determined during the evaluation that the faculty member is ready for evaluation for tenure or for promotion then the information is forwarded to the Department P&T committee for review.
- First, understand the How to Determine Rank & Tracks and how they affect your evaluation
- Understand the SOM Annual Faculty Assessment
- Instructions for your Annual Faculty Assessment Summary
- Annual Faculty Assessment Summary (Word document revised annually by SOM
- Service is a part of the annual assessment.
Planning for Promotion & Tenure (P&T) in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
You must demonstrate accomplishments in particular areas to rise through the academic ranks for specific tracks. For example, frequent referrals from outside physicians made specifically to you can be used to demonstrate that you are recognized as a regional expert in a particular disease or category of diseases. Positive teaching evaluations from students can be used to show you are a skilled educator. Publications can be used to demonstrate scholarly achievement. Grant funding can be used to demonstrate your research achievement.
You do not need to show excellence in all areas. If you are not on the tenure track, you only need one area, and if you are a physician this area is usually the clinical service area. If you are tenure track, you need at least two areas; for physicians this usually means clinical service plus one other area. If you are tenure track, decide early on what your track is going to be. Read How to Determine Rank & Tracks and discuss this with our Chair to be perfectly clear.
It is recommended you update your CV in real time. If you give a talk, do not postpone or procrastinate documenting it on your CV. This way you will be able to easily keep track of everything you do that could prove important to the Promotion & Tenure Committee. Also, file away all materials that could possibly be included in a future promotion or tenure portfolio.
The links provided in the right hand column contains further information on the Promotion and Tenure process in the School of Medicine, including a list of ranks & tracks and the hoops you need to jump through to rise through the rank for your track.