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Currently Enrolling Studies

Interested in learning more about our currently enrolling studies? Here's what you need to know.

We offer a wide variety of opportunities to participate in clinical research. Take a look at our current research offerings below to find out how you can get involved. You can also view our Research Focus Areas page for more details.

Current Studies

Our research opportunities
We offer research opportunities in a variety of areas. We are actively enrolling participants in multiple ongoing studies.

  • Clinical trials
    • Surgical
      • RNS® System Responsive Thalamic Stimulation for Primary Generalized Seizures Study (NAUTILUS) ( Identifier: NCT05147571)
        • A Brief Description: NeuroPace is sponsoring the NAUTILUS Study with the RNS System for thalamic stimulation as an adjunctive therapy for the treatment of generalized seizures in individuals 12 years of age or older who have drug-resistant idiopathic generalized epilepsy. The RNS System is currently approved by the FDA for use in patients 18 years and older with hard-to-treat partial-onset seizures. The same device will be used in the NAUTILUS study. The study is a prospective, multicenter, single-blind, randomized, sham stimulation controlled pivotal study and participants will be followed for two years after the placement of the RNS System. The study will enroll a maximum of 100 participants within the United States to ensure that at least 80 participants are implanted with the RNS System.
        • Time Frame: The study design includes a two-month retrospective and one-month prospective baseline. All participants will have detection enabled at the time of implant. At 1-month post-implant, participants will be randomized 1:1 to Active or Sham stimulation. For those randomized to the Active group, stimulation will be enabled. Participants will be blinded to their own randomized status until the 2nd GTC occurs for that individual, they completed the 9-month Electiveness Evaluation Period (12-months post-implant), or the 60th GTC-event occurs in the group, whichever occurs fir After that, patients will be unblinded and patients in the Sham group (responsive stimulation OFF) will have responsive stimulation enabled (responsive stimulation ON).
        • Compensation: Compensation for this study is dependent on participation. Please ask for more details.
      • Laser Ablation of Abnormal Neurological Tissue Using Robotic NeuroBlate System (LAANTERN) ( Identifier: NCT02392078)
        • A Brief Description: Laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) is a minimally invasive epilepsy surgery technique. It is also called laser ablation. LAANTERN is a prospective, multi-center registry that includes data collection up to 5 years to evaluate safety, quality of life, and procedural outcomes after LITT for epilepsy. There is a separate arm in this study evaluating intracranial tumors as well.
        • Time Frame: There is a baseline appointment to capture data pre-operative appointment to compare post-operative data to. Following the operation there is a 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 12 month, 24 month, 36 month, 48 month, and finally a 60 month post-operative visit.
        • Compensation: The participant will be compensated $50 for each post-operative visit. The participant will have the opportunity to collect $400 if they attend every visit.
      • Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Therapy for Epilepsy Post-Approval Study (EPAS) ( Identifier: NCT03900468)
        • A Brief Description: The purpose of this post-approval study is to further evaluate the long-term safety and effectiveness of Medtronic DBS therapy for epilepsy on seizure reduction in newly implanted participants through 3 years of follow-up in different geographic populations.
        • Time Frame: Once enrolled, this study takes place a little over the course of three years. There will be one visit two weeks post-operation to activate the DBS device. After that there will be a 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, 12 month, 24 month, and 36 month visit.
        • Compensation: Compensation for this study is dependent on participation. Please ask for more details.
      • A Feasibility Study to Evaluate Safety and Initial Effectiveness of MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Ablation Therapy in the Treatment of Epilepsy ( Identifier: NCT02804230)
        • A Brief Description: MR-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) is a non-invasive ablation method that uses ultrasound to generate focused thermal energy to destruct abnormal tissue. This method is currently not an FDA approved and current study is to evaluate the safety, feasibility, and initial effectiveness of the MRI-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) treatment of patients with medication-refractory focal epilepsy. Patients with lesional epilepsy may be a candidate for participation depending on the type and location of the lesion causing seizures. 
        • Time Frame: Seizure frequency will be recorded in the 8-week Screening/Baseline phase. Patients will return for the procedure on the Treatment Day, then be evaluated in office or remotely (e.g. by phone) in the Follow-Up phase at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months – treatment.
        • Compensation: Compensation for this study is dependent on participation. Please ask for more details.
  • Other
    • Epilepsy Brain Bank (EBB) Biospecimen Repository
      • Brief Description: Patients that are receiving surgical treatment for epilepsy at KU Medical Center (portion of the brain removed) may donate the excess tissue not required for pathology analysis, as well as blood samples, to the Epilepsy Brain Bank Biospecimen Repository and will be asked to enroll. The aim of this study is to collect, store, and dispense tissue samples, along with limited health information, to make them available to biomedical research investigators throughout the scientific community in order to advance our knowledge of the causes and potential cures of epilepsy and other neurological disorders.
    • Written Language Abilities During Aphasic Seizure
      • Brief Description: Participant that are treated at The University of Kansas Health System Epilepsy or Neurology Clinics and those that are treated in the inpatient epilepsy monitoring unit will be assessed for the type of seizure they have (done routinely). The aim of the study is to assess what writing ability is like during aphasic seizures. The hypothesis is that aphasic seizures would also affect written language (agraphia).

All our research studies happen here at KU Medical Center, one of 36 U.S. public institutions in the prestigious Association of American Universities, an invitation-only organization for the nation's top research universities. We also partner with The University of Kansas Health System, which provides patient care and has the only Level 4 Epilepsy Center in the state of Kansas.

Here's how you can get involved
To learn more about available epilepsy research opportunities and your eligibility for studies, please contact Laura Crabtree, Clinical Research Coordinator, at or speak with your epilepsy doctor.

Epilepsy research publications

For the most up-to-date information or to enroll in a study or clinical trial, visit the University of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Research Center website.

Visit the Neuromuscular Division's research website to learn more about currently enrolling studies.


Use of aspirin vs. apixaban in patients with aFib and recent ICH. Patient must be age > 18, able to be randomized 14-180 days after index event (qualifying ICH), have non-valvular aFib, and complete follow-up visits in person at KUMC. History of ICH within 12 months preceding index event, clear indication for anticoagulation, or persistent/uncontrolled SBP >180 are exclusionary.


Comparison of aspirin plus ticagrelor vs. low-dose rivaroxaban vs. clopidogrel for symptomatic infarct attributed to 70-99% stenosis of a major intracranial artery. Patient must be age >30, able to swallow pills, consent to the study themselves (LAR consent not permitted), and complete follow-up visits in person at KUMC. Previous treatment of target lesion with a stent, angioplasty, or other mechanical device, including mechanical thrombectomy for the qualifying stroke, or plan to perform one of these procedures, is exclusionary. Plan to perform concomitant endarterectomy, angioplasty or stenting of an extracranial vessel tandem to the symptomatic intracranial stenosis is also exclusionary.


A phase three, placebo-controlled study of Milvexian after AIS or high-risk TIA. Patient must be age > 40, NIHSS < 7, and complete follow-up visits in person at KUMC. Last known normal (LKN) must be < 24-48 hours and able to receive study drug < 48 hours after index event.


Evaluate efficacy and safety of continuation vs. discontinuation of statins in patients presenting with spontaneous lobar ICH. Patient must be age > 50, taking statin drug at event onset, pre-event mRS <2, and able to be enrolled within seven days of qualifying ICH. Suspected secondary cause of ICH, diabetic with history of MI or coronary revascularization, familial hypercholesterolemia, and patients receiving PCSK9 inhibitors are exclusionary.


EVT versus medical management in patients with acute ischemic stroke due to medium vessel occlusion (MeVO). Must be within 12 hours of last known well and clinically eligible for immediate EVT. NIHSS >5, or 3-5 with disabling deficit, and may receive thrombolytic therapy according to current standard of care. Patient must be independent at baseline (prior to qualifying stroke), able to complete a 90-day follow-up appointment at KU and agreeable to telephone follow-up for up to one year.


Study to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of the Penumbra System including Thunderbolt Aspiration Tubing which is used to connect the catheter to the suction system and remove blood clots due to LVO (ICA, MCA M1 or M2, basilar, or vertebral artery), restoring blood flow using suction continuously or in quick intervals. Patient must be age 18-80, pre-event mRS 0-2, ASPECTS > 6, CTP < 50 core, and able to receive treatment < 8 hours from event onset. Stenosis, excessive tortuosity, or any occlusion in proximal vessel requiring treatment or preventing access to the clot is exclusionary.

  • Electromagnetic field treatment for recovery of subacute ischemic stroke
  • Double-Blind, Randomized, sham-controlled study using a wearable medical device that produces and delivers non-invasive, extremely-low–intensity and low-frequency, frequency-tuned electromagnetic fields in order to stimulate neuronal networks with the aim of reducing disability and promoting neurorecovery.
  • 45 sessions of therapy will be conducted during inpatient stay and at home
  • Primary Investigator:  Sandra Billinger, Ph.D., PT and Sarah Eickmeyer, M.D.
  • Ages 22 to 85 (inclusive), Ischemic only (petechial hemorrhage allowed); 4-21 days post-onset of stroke symptoms
  • Contact: Sasha Moores,, 913-588-2697
  • Observational study: Sleep and activity data collected at 15, 60, and 90 days post stroke
  • Primary Investigator: Sandra Billinger, Ph.D., PT
  • Ages 18 or older; admitted to in-patient rehabilitation; NIHSS item 1a <2; OSA exclusionary
  • Contact: Sasha Moores,, 913-588-2697


One challenge with stroke trials is that potential participants are frequently unable to consent and family members often are not present or have not yet arrived at KU Medical Center. To address this challenge, we offer e-consent for our clinical trials.

For more information, take a look at the currently enrolling studies on the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder website.

Phase 2 Clinical Trial of OXE103 for Treating Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)

The study will examine whether with treatment the brain will heal faster and concussion symptoms improve or resolve.

You may qualify for the study if:

  • You suffered a concussion (mild traumatic brain injury) and are experiencing symptoms
  • Your injury occurred within the last 28 days
  • You are between the ages of 18 and 60
  • You are not currently pregnant or actively trying to become pregnant

To participate in the study, you must be able to meet the following study requirements:

  • Attend a combination of several in-person and phone study visits
  • Complete various questionnaires and testing
  • Give yourself injections twice a day for two weeks (for the treatment groups).

For more information about the study, visit and email

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Neurology
Mailstop 2012
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160
Phone: 913-588-6970
Fax: 913-588-6965