Founded in 1959, our program prepares residents for distinguished careers in academia and in private practice.
Our department is a national leader in clinical care and research. In 2023-24, U.S. News & World Report ranked The University of Kansas Hospital among the nation's best in eight specialties — Neurology ranked No. 25. The KU Alzheimer's Disease Center is one of 31 national centers designated by the National Institute on Aging. Our Parkinson's disease center is a National Parkinson's Foundation Center of Excellence, one of only 33 in the United States. Our department has a NIH-sponsored Clinical and Translational Science Unit, an NIH-funded Alzheimer's Disease Center and additional NIH and PCORI funding.
"Residents can be confident they are coming to a place with state-of-the-art care and they are going to interact with faculty who are really interested in delivering the best care possible. If you want to live in a very nice city with lots to do and work in an environment where people are happy, this is the place to come."- Gary S. Gronseth, M.D., FAAN, chair, Department of Neurology
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If you're looking for a well-rounded training experience in a Midwestern city with lots to do, check us out.
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