Feb. 29, 2024
Leap Day occurs every four years and is often filled with frog jokes and special birthday parties. This year KCUR 89.3 - NPR in Kansas City, featured a story about all things related to Leap Day. This included an interview with Rachel Sandoval, MS, RDN, LD, LEAP! Program Manager, KU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.
LEAP! Is Lifestyle Empowerment for Alzheimer’s Prevention and provides practical strategies that boost brain health and help reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about the LEAP! program and how six simple steps can make a difference in your life or the life of a loved one. The interview begins at 19:19 on the podcast recording available on KCUR's "Here's how some Kansas Citians celebrate their leap day birthdays on Feb. 29" article.
For more information about the LEAP! program, please visit the Lifestyle Empowerment for Alzheimer's Prevention (LEAP!) webpage.