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Five neurology faculty earn promotions

Five faculty members in the Department of Neurology at the University of Kansas Medical Center recently earned promotions.

Yunxia Wang, M.D.

Yunxia Wang, M.D., and William Suo, M.D., were promoted to professor, while Patrick Landazuri, M.D., Michael Rippee, M.D., and Trent Davis, M.D., were promoted to associate professor.

Wang serves as vice chair of education in neurology and chief of the Neurology Inpatient Division. She also directs the department's clerkship program. Her major teaching responsibilities include rounding and supervising residents and students in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings. While Wang's clinical service includes working as a neuro-hospitalist, stroke physician and medical director for the neuroscience unit, she has expertise in neuromuscular diseases, neurophysiology and neuro-immunology.

Suo, a volunteer faculty member with KU Medical Center at the Kansas City Veterans Administration Medical Center, is an important collaborator with The University of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Center. Funded by 14 grants, including nine on which he was the principal investigator, Suo has been published 53 times in peer-reviewed journals, authored or co-authored three book chapters and 26 posters, and published 44 abstracts.

Program director for the department's newly established and accredited epilepsy fellowship, Landazuri is involved in a wide range of teaching activities for attending physicians, residents, medical students and allied health professionals. He is co-investigator on several multi-center trials and has published seven peer-reviewed articles and authored three book chapters. Landazuri has developed a regional reputation for excellence in epilepsy care. Because of his dedication to this program, many patients in the Kansas City area and in Kansas have been able to become seizure-free.

A strong teacher and in-demand speaker, particularly on concussion, mild traumatic brain injury and stroke topics, Rippee has demonstrated his valuable teaching and mentorship abilities and has established a regional reputation as a leader in his field. He also launched the department's sports neurology program, the first of its kind in the region, and was instrumental in creating the University of Kansas comprehensive stroke service, which was the first in the Midwest.

In addition to maintaining a thriving private practice, Davis has made numerous presentations to medical students, physicians and family practice residents. Based at the KU School of Medicine-Salina, where he is the director of the neurology clerkship. Davis is participating in an educational project measuring inter-rater reliability of medical student competency assessments. A member of the local city council, Davis currently serves as mayor of Salina.

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Neurology
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