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Research Facilities

The Department of Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, and Immunology occupies approximately 20,000 square feet of lab and office space on four floors of the University of Kansas Medical Center basic science complex in the Orr Major, Wahl East and West as well as Hixon buildings (campus map). The Department houses a number of research core facilities. These include the X-Ray Crystallography Core, the Protein Expression and Purification Core and facilities for measuring cytokine arrays.

In addition, the Medical Center and the research centers of the institution have a range of core facilities available to the faculty on a fee-for-service basis.

Microbiology Common Equipment

Available Equipment:

Equipment Location Faculty Custodian
Amersham Typhoon RGB 3001 Wahl Hall West Jianming Qiu
Amersham ImageQuant 800 UV 3001 Wahl Hall West Wolf Zueckert
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL 3001 Wahl Hall West Maria Kalamvoki
Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System (384-well) 1012 Wahl Hall West Hubert Tse
Beckman Optima XPN 80 – IVD Ultracentrifuge 3001 Wahl Hall West Wolf Zueckert
BioRad Electroporator 4003 Wahl Hall West Jeff Bose
BioRep Diabetes Perifusion System v5 1012 Wahl Hall West Hubert Tse
BioTek 405TS ELISA plate washer 1012 Wahl Hall West Hubert Tse
BioTek Cytation 7 4002 Hixon Maria Kalamvoki
BioTek Synergy Plate Reader 3001 Wahl Hall West Hubert Tse
LiCor Odyssey 3001 Wahl Hall West Jeff Bose
MP Biomedicals FastPrep-24 5G 4003 Wahl Hall West Jeff Bose
NanoDrop One 1012 Wahl Hall West Hubert Tse
Roche LC96 RT-PCR Machine 3001 Wahl Hall West Jeff Bose
Thermo Scientific Genesys 10S UV-VIS Spectrophotometer 3001 Wahl Hall West Hongbing Yu
QS5 0.2ML QPCR System 3001 Wahl Hall West Maria Kalamvoki
UVDOC-HD6T UV/VIS Imaging System 3018 Wahl Hall West Wolf Zueckert

Other Equipment:

Equipment Location
Emergency Backup Freezer 3001 Wahl Hall West
Emergency Backup Freezer 5th Floor Orr Major by the Elevator

Process for Requesting Access:

Please send an email to Kathy Mackay ( with the following information:

  • Name of person requesting access
  • Name of the PI of the person requesting access
  • Name of the equipment that the user would like to access
  • User and PI must confirm in an email that they agree to conditions for access (see below)

Conditions for Access:

  • User will schedule equipment using ClusterMarket
  • User will only schedule for needed amount of time and not overschedule
  • User will not go over scheduled time unless that time is available for booking and rebooked in ClusterMarket prior to the end of the currently scheduled time
  • If there is another user scheduled and the first user is not finished, the user whose time has been completed will end equipment use as quickly as possible
  • If a user does not schedule using ClusterMarket, that user must end equipment usage immediately for a scheduled user
  • User agrees to only access equipment that the user has been trained and given approval to use and will not use any other equipment without being trained and granted access
  • User will notify the Department’s administrative staff and equipment custodian immediately if there is a problem with the equipment
  • User’s lab agrees to contribute a certain percentage (as determined by usage) of any service contracts or maintenance costs. Maintenance costs will be retroactive to the previous six months of equipment usage. Service contract costs will be forward looking to the upcoming period of service.
  • The Department of Microbiology reserves the right to remove scheduling and room access for users who do not follow these access conditions.

Process for Equipment Access:

  • The user will be assigned to training required by the equipment custodian
  • Upon completion of training, the custodian will confirm with the Department’s administrative staff that the user has been fully trained
  • The Department’s administrative staff will set up access to the room where the equipment is located for the user and send the user an invitation to schedule the equipment in ClusterMarket
  • User must accept the ClusterMarket invitation in order to receive scheduling access
KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Microbiology, Molecular Genetics and Immunology
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Mailstop 3029
Kansas City, KS 66160
PHONE: 913-588-7012
FAX: 913-588-7295