Dr. Mario Castro, M.D., MPH, Division Chief of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine; Vice Chair for Clinical and Translational Research, Director of the Rainbow Clinical and Translational Science Unit (CTSU, Frontiers), leads the AATRU group which currently has >25 ongoing studies, all of which have opportunities for students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty to perform focused research in an area of interest.
Interested in Enrolling in a Clinical Study?
Please click here and complete the clinical study interest form.
Precision Interventions for Severe and/or Exacerbation Prone Asthma (Network (PrecISE, NIH funded):
is a precision-medicine, biomarker-driven, highly novel adaptive controlled trial to establish a new treatment paradigm for severe asthma.
Severe Asthma Research Program (SARPIII, NIH funded):
is a multi-center longitudinal study to improve the understanding of severe asthma and to develop better treatments. In SARP we seek to gain a better understanding of asthma and its endotypes, in children and adults, by defining the disease at the molecular and cellular levels in the context of the temporal phenotypic expression of the disease.
Asthma Clinical Research Center (ACRC, ALA funded):
we are performing clinical research in adult and pediatric asthma through a national network of 40 centers.
Clinical Trials:
View the complete list and description of current and future AATRU Studies in Asthma and opportunities to enroll in here.
Interested Participants: Please fill out the quick form and one of our fantastic staff will contact you ASAP.
AATRU Laboratory:
Complete list and description of current translational research projects, the AATRU Biobank and opportunities to perform research to understand the pathophysiology of asthma endotypes is available here.
AATRU Imaging:
Included in the AATRU's research is the development and application of novel quantitative imaging methods. A description of some of the pulmonary imaging research within the AATRU.
RofLumilast or Azithromycin to Prevent COPD Exacerbations:
RELIANCE (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute funded). RELIANCE is a pragmatic clinical trial to compare long-term use of roflumilast vs. azithromycin in up to 3,200 patients to reduce the risk of all-cause hospitalization and reduce premature deaths in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Enrollment is ongoing.
AstraZeneca (RESOLUTE):
This is a multi-center phase 3 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Benralizumab 100 mg in patients with moderate to very severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) with a history of frequent COPD exacerbations and elevated peripheral blood eosinophils.
Interested in Enrolling in a Clinical Study?
Please click here and complete the clinical study interest form.