Our pulmonary and critical care fellows attend and present at various conferences to share their cases and broaden their learning. Review our Pulmonary and Critical Care conferences:
Didactic Block Schedule
- The educational curriculum is crafted in a topic-based block format that caters to building pulmonary and critical care knowledge in an organized fashion
- This schedule is based on the ABIM Pulmonary and Critical Care topics to ensure tailored teaching for board preparation
- Educational Blocks include:
- Medical Critical Care
- Obstructive Lung Disease
- Transplant Pulmonology
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Interstitial Lung Disease
- Non-Medical Critical Care
- Cardiogenic Shock
- Neurologic Critical Care
- Toxicology/Pharmacology
- Presentation formats include didactics, case conferences, and journal club
- Pulmonary, oncology, interventional radiology, radiation oncology and pathology to assist with management of complex pulmonary cases
- Thursday mornings at KUMC
- Wednesday mornings at KCVA
- Cover topics within the educational block in the format of didactics, case conferences, or journal club
- Thursday afternoons on a quarterly basis
- Review of ultrasound techniques and image acquisition along with image interpretation session of studies completed by fellows in the intensive care unit
- Quarterly series presented by chest radiologists to discuss topics of pulmonary nodules, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary pathology
- Presented by senior fellows to review cases via root-cause analysis approach to understand and participate in the process of quality improvement
- Lecture series presented by Interventional Pulmonology staff to cover the basics of indications and techniques of advanced procedures