Customized Fellowship Tracks
Medical Education Track
- Dedicated opportunities to develop as a clinician educator through instruction in simulation (resident and medical student workshops, airway simulation)
- Educational innovation in embedded didactic curriculum (case conferences, multi-disciplinary education) and simulation-development process
- Access to resources including textbooks and national conferences to grow knowledge on learning theory and focus on growth as a future educator
- Participation in Clinician Educator Track to build scholarship in medical education
Subspecialty Education Tracks
- Customized for fellows interested in gaining broader experience in subspecialty management and practice (interstitial lung disease, procedures, pulmonary hypertension)
- Can include multi-disciplinary rotational exposure — including chest radiology, rheumatology, oncology clinic to help acquisition of specialty specific knowledge
- Opportunity to build independent sub-specialty panel — staffed by supervising physicians to build autonomous practice
- Access to national subspecialty specific conferences (PH Symposium, Pulmonary Fibrosis Summit, AAIBP)
Research Track
- Opportunity to identify a research focused fellow at the end of PGY4 year to allow for more continuous research time (6-month blocks across PGY5 and PGY6 years) to allow for successful project execution
- Access to research support series and mentorship structure to foster growth of future clinician investigators