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Customized Fellowship Tracks

Medical Education Track

  • Dedicated opportunities to develop as a clinician educator through instruction in simulation (resident and medical student workshops, airway simulation)
  • Educational innovation in embedded didactic curriculum (case conferences, multi-disciplinary education) and simulation-development process
  • Access to resources including textbooks and national conferences to grow knowledge on learning theory and focus on growth as a future educator
  • Participation in Clinician Educator Track to build scholarship in medical education

Subspecialty Education Tracks

  • Customized for fellows interested in gaining broader experience in subspecialty management and practice (interstitial lung disease, procedures, pulmonary hypertension)
  • Can include multi-disciplinary rotational exposure — including chest radiology, rheumatology, oncology clinic to help acquisition of specialty specific knowledge
  • Opportunity to build independent sub-specialty panel — staffed by supervising physicians to build autonomous practice
  • Access to national subspecialty specific conferences (PH Symposium, Pulmonary Fibrosis Summit, AAIBP)

Research Track

  • Opportunity to identify a research focused fellow at the end of PGY4 year to allow for more continuous research time (6-month blocks across PGY5 and PGY6 years) to allow for successful project execution
  • Access to research support series and mentorship structure to foster growth of future clinician investigators
Internal Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Internal Medicine
Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine Division
Mailstop 3007
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160
Phone: 913-588-6045