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Wozniak Lab

Dr. Wozniak's current work is at the intersection of basic cell biology and disease and examines inflammation-induced modification of Rab adaptor proteins. Her team investigates how inflammation alters the intracellular trafficking of vesicles, secretion of exosomes, and the selection of key exosome cargo. The ultimate goal of Dr. Wozniak's research is to improve clinical outcomes for patients with inflammatory liver and neurological diseases.  

Contact Us

Ann WozniakAnn Wozniak, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Liver Center

Lab 4056 Hemenway

Internal Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Internal Medicine
Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Motility Division
Mailstop 1023
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160
Phone: 913-588-6019
Fax: 913-588-3975