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The “barracks,” Hinch Hall, and Bell Memorial Hospital, 1933.

The “barracks,” Hinch Hall, and Bell Memorial Hospital, 1933.

1930: Harry R. Wahl, M.D., dean of the KU School of Medicine, with 11 other physicians, organizes the Kansas chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha

1931: Delta Chapter of Sigma Delta Tau International, the only honor society for nursing and the fourth chapter founded, is established at KU.

1932: The first Department of Nursing Education bachelor of arts degree is awarded.

1933: KU School of Medicine students are among the first to complete the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) examinations - later called the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) examinations.

1934: The first medicine residencies at the KU School of Medicine are filled by Leslie B. Smith, M.D., Max Berry, M.D., and J.F. Simon, M.D.

1934: The first surgery residencies at the KU School of Medicine are filled by Wayne Bartlett, M.D., and Morris Harless, M.D.

1935: The Children's Pavilion is built.

1935: A. Morris Ginsberg, M.D., clinical professor of medicine, publishes "Studies on the Coronary Circulation (Effect of Intravenous Injections of Dextrose on the Coronary Circulation)" in Archives of Internal Medicine, which remains a standard reference for the next 40 years:

Ginsberg Am, Stoland Oo, Loy Dt.  Studies on the coronary circulation: III. effect of intravenous injections of dextrose on the coronary circulation. Arch Intern Med (Chic). 1935;55(1):42–51. doi:10.1001/archinte.1935.00160190045005

1935: C.C. Nesselrode, M.D., professor of clinical surgery, organizes the Women's Field Army, a national organization for education and control of cancer.

1935: Noble P. Sherwood, M.D., Ph.D., chair of bacteriology from 1917 to 1948, publishes Immunology, an internationally acclaimed textbook.

1936: Earl Padgett, M.D., assistant professor of dermatology, with George J. Hood, M.D., invents the Padgett-Hood Dermatome, revolutionizing the plastic surgery technique of skin grafting.

See for example: Shapira J. Technique of split thickness skin grafts using Padgett-Hood dermatome. Med Rec Ann. 1947 Dec; 41(12):377-9.

1936: Medical technology classes begin with six students in the first class.

1937: Ralph H. Major, M.D., publishes Physical Diagnosis, which becomes a standard textbook throughout the world.

July 9, 1938: Paul H. Lorhan, M.D., is appointed anesthetist-in-chief and instructor in anesthesia. Lorhan develops the ether dripper, the endo-trachael apparatus for children, and the Lorhan-Webster staticator.

1938: Arthur Hertzler, M.D., publishes a national best seller, The Horse and Buggy Doctor.

1938: The Department of Nursing Education Student Government is organized.

1938: Eleanor Henderson Grandstaff, M.D., (M'37) becomes the first anesthesiology section resident.

1939: George A. Walker, M.D. (M'35), associate professor of pathology, invents and patents the Cathode Ray Electro-Myoencephalograph, a device that made it possible to continuously observe a patient's electrocardiogram by direct visualization of the curve on the face of the cathode ray tube.

1939: Hixon Laboratory Building opens with the entire third floor containing the History of Medicine Library.

1939: Tom Hamilton, M.D., is appointed chair of the new Department of Bacteriology and Microbiology.

Nurses in training, 1930
Medical School Classroom, 1931
Electrocardiography demonstration, 1932
Architectural illustration of the new Children’s Pavilion, circa 1935.
The University of Kansas Medical School campus, 1936.
Nurses of Sigma Theta Tau, 1938.
KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
History and Philosophy of Medicine

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