Videos of Past Lectures
November 18, 2024
Deirdre Cooper Owens, Ph.D.
"The Black Birthing Crisis: Why Understanding Slavery & the History of Gynecologic Surgery Helps Us All"
May 13, 2024
Sharrona Pearl, Ph.D.
"Do I Know You? From Face Blindness to Superrecognition"
November 16, 2023
Mark Miller, M.A.
"Max Brödel: The Father of Medical Illustration"
November 2, 2023
Jim Downs, Ph.D.
“From Subjugation to Science: How Colonialism and Slavery Transformed Medicine”
October 30, 2023
Friesen Lecture in the History of Medicine
Claire Brock, Ph.D.
“'It is impossible that a woman whose hands reek with gore can be possessed of the same nature or feelings as the generality of women': Women in the History of Surgery.”
October 26, 2023
Darrick Taylor, Ph.D.
"Locke, Sydenham, and the Art of Medicine"
April 20, 2023
Alex Welborn, MLIS
"Dr. Simeon Bishop Bell and the Founding of KUMC"
March 28, 2023
Daniel Hinthorn, M.D.
"The Impact of International Physicians on Research, Education,
December 16, 2022
The Stanley R. Friesen Lecture in the History of Surgery
Sally Frampton, Ph.D.
“Birth at the Jaws of Death: Caesarean Section in the Nineteenth Century”
December 14, 2022
Presentation featuring Richard S. Faulkner, Ph.D., William A. Stofft Chair of Military History, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, and Patricia Hall, Ph.D., FACHE, Network Director, VISN 15, Veterans Affairs.
"Leadership in a Time of Crisis: What Military History Can Teach Us About the COVID-19 Pandemic"
November 18, 2022
David Cantor, Ph.D.
"Cancer, Research, and Educational Film at Midcentury: The Making of the Movie Challenge: Science Against Cancer"
May 6, 2022
The William G Bartholome Lecture in Bioethics
Brian S. Carter, M.D., FAAP
"Language Should Not Be Disabling"
December 9, 2021, Kevin Flattery
"A Brief History of the Kansas University Hospital"
November 17, 2021, Marta Vicente, Ph.D.
"The Lieutenant-Nun: Science, Baroque Art, and Transgender Celebrity"
November 16, 2021, Robert E. Bulander, M.D., Ph.D.
"The History of Shock"
November 14, 2019, Douglas Burton, M.D.
"The History of Spine Instrumentation Through a Kansas Lens"
March 8, 2017, William R. Jewell, M.D., FACS
'The Manhattan Project NASA Cancer Research'
September 18, 2013, Thelda Kestenbaum, M.D.
'The History of Dermatology'
March 7, 2013, Barbara Lukert, M.D.
'Endocrinology, Metabolism and Genetics at KUMC, 1923-2013'
February 7, 2013, Paul Terranova, Ph.D.
‘Evolution of Reproductive Sciences at KU Medical Center'
December 6, 2012, Enrique Chaves, M.D.
‘Clara Maass and Medical Ethics'
September 6, 2012, Thomas Schlich, M.D., McGill University
About 'Roads not Taken': Alternative Innovation in Surgery
April 24, 2012, Dr. Stata Norton
'The History of Some Medicinal Plants from 40,000 B.C. to Modern Drugs'
February 20, 2012, Dr. Ron Stephens
'40 Year War on Cancer'
December 8, 2011, Dr. Gerald Kerby
'Pulmonary Disease'