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Directions to the Clendening Foyer, Museum, and Library
Get Visual Directions
On the west side of campus (along Rainbow Boulevard), enter through the front doors of Murphy building (the building with the large columns). Take a right after entering through the glass doors and head down the hallway to the dead end. Turn right through the double glass doors (Clendening Museum and Library) to the large room with the parquet floors. You have arrived in the Museum Foyer. The library is in the southwest corner of the foyer.
Directions to the Main Department and Archives
Take the same directions as above. After entering the Museum Foyer through the glass doors, take a left up the stairwell. After exiting the stairwell, enter the door directly in front of you (2025 Robinson). An elevator is also available just north of the Clendening Foyer. You may take this up to the second floor and enter through the gray door directly across from the library, then enter the first door on your right.
Free two hour parking is available on Adams Street, located one block west of the Holiday Inn Express on Rainbow Boulevard. Visitor parking is also available in the Olathe Parking Facility II and the Cambridge Parking Facility. If you park in a parking garage, bring your ticket in for validation.