Projects and Partnerships
Our unit is dedicated to studying and improving understanding of family medicine and how family medicine can play a role in eliminating the wide range of health concerns and conditions, as well as population health issues for communities and groups of patients.
We engage in projects on many topics from health literacy to cancer survivorship to HIV transmission reduction. The vast majority of our projects employ community-based participatory research methods or involve intensive collaboration with community partners.
Our partnerships often lead to project activities that take us beyond data collection, intervention delivery and statistical analysis and we push forward with study findings to deliver services or help our partners coordinate approaches for improving the health of those they serve.
We are proud to go beyond our grants and scientific writings to run health fairs, develop and deliver community-based health care services, assist partners with grant writing and provide technical assistance as others design and plan enhanced programs. We are always open to new partnerships and projects.
Please contact us if we can ever be of assistance with writing proposals, designing projects, processing data or strategizing to improve health outcomes for the populations you serve. We are excited to link to new and diverse partners, both locally and nationally. We welcome your inquiries or feedback on ways we can improve our work and service to our constituents.
Do you have a project where we might be able to help?
Research Director
Sarah Finocchario Kessler, Ph.D., MPH
Research Director and Professor
K. Allen Greiner, MD, MPH
Associate Research Director and Nason Family Endowed Professor
Interested in partnering on a research study?
We welcome involvement across the department and the university. If you have general questions about the research division and its work, contact project manager James Herynk, Ph.D.
For specific inquiries, fill out this form.