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Rural Practice Research

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Kansas Patients and Providers Engaged in Prevention Research ( KPPEPR) is a practice-based research network that works to forge partnerships between clinicians, patients, public health professionals, community organizations and academic researchers.

While their findings have broad applications, special attention is given to projects that focus on rural and underserved communities.

KPPEPR projects aim to show that rural and underserved communities can have high quality healthcare, aims to learn how other Kansas communities deal with healthcare challenges, help with the efficient allocation of healthcare resources and reflect what matters to communities. 

Past research topics include:

  • Obesity treatment in rural primary care practices
  • Disease management for smokers in rural primary care
  • Tailored colorectal cancer screening reminders in rural primary care
  • Chronic pain management in rural primary care settings
  • Provider burnout among rural healthcare providers
  • Educating rural healthcare providers on skin cancer detection

Register as a KPPEPR member or to learn more


iSURVIVE provides education about cancer survivorship to rural primary care practices and communities in Kansas. This project has two components:

  1. Implementation of the iSURVIVE curriculum in primary care practices to explore the needs of cancer survivors, team-based strategies and resources;
  2. A survivorship manual for patients to use in collaboration with their caregivers and providers.

KPPEPR offers a 4-session lunch and learn curriculum encourages primary care teams to identify existing roles and processes within the practice and apply them to the care of cancer survivors. Everyone in the practice has a role to play in helping cancer survivors navigate their health care. All are welcome to attend!

For more information, please contact:
or Dr. K. Allen Greiner

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Mailstop 4010
Kansas City, KS 66160