Curriculum Overview, Rotations and Electives
The University of Kansas Family Medicine Residency in Kansas City, KS, is a 9-9-9 academic family medicine residency, training future leaders and teachers. By caring for a diverse, urban and underserved population of all ages, residents learn a progressive, interprofessional, community-minded, and intellectually rigorous approach to medical care. Residents' research projects are guided by experienced researchers.
In addition, our residents practice in continuity clinic with integrated behavioral health staff and ready access to our social worker, chronic care nurse manager, community health workers, dietician, and pharmacist. OB and pediatric patients are seen in the family medicine clinic and community safety net clinics. We offer training in HIV medicine, buprenorphine, and countless elective opportunities to tailor training to residents' interests. Half-day didactics and morning report cases occur weekly.
Rotations and Electives
- Family Medicine Inpatient: 2-3 blocks
- Behavioral Science: 1 block
- Emergency Medicine: 1 block
- Medical Intensive Care Unit: 1 block
- Full-Term Nursery: 1 block
- VA Inpatient Medicine: 2 blocks
- Pediatrics Inpatient: 1 block
- Surgery: 1 block
- Obstetrics: 1 block
- Orientation: 1 block
- Holiday Intercession: 14 days
- Family Medicine Inpatient: 2 blocks
- Family Medicine Inpatient Night Float: 1/2 block
- Obstetrics: 1 block
- Gynecology: 1 block
- Ambulatory Pediatrics: 1 block
- Pediatrics Emergency Medicine: 1 block
- Cardiology: 1 block
- Geriatrics: 1 block
- Sports Medicine: 1 block
- Elective: 2 blocks
- Resident Development: 1 block
- Holiday Intercession: 14 days
- Supervisor Family Medicine Inpatient: 1 1/2 blocks
- Family Medicine Night Float: 1/2 block
- Sports Medicine: 1 block
- Elective: 4 blocks
- Urology: 1/2 block
- Emergency Medicine: 1 block
- Ambulatory Pediatrics: 1 block
- Community Health: 1 block
- Resident Development: 1 block
- Holiday Intercession: 14 days
- Addiction Psychiatry
- Anesthesiology
- Child Psychiatry
- Dermatology
- Endocrinology
- Ethics
- Hospice/Palliative
- Team-Based Teaching Clinic (IPTC)
- Obstetrics
- Ophthalmology
- Pain Management
- Research
- Sleep Medicine
- Surgery
- Urgent Care
- Wound Care
- and many more, with the opportunity to create your own!
Didactic Sessions
Morning Report
Morning Report is a case-based presentation led by our residents and faculty every Friday morning from 7:30-8:00 am. Interesting, rare, and/or complex cases from inpatient or outpatient experiences are presented. The presentations are interactive with involvement from residents AND faculty. The audience is asked to list differentials, discuss work up, narrow the differential and review management.
Every Wednesday afternoon from 1-4 pm the family medicine residents have protected didactic time, called "Core." The afternoons feature family medicine faculty and invited guest lectures, interactive workshops, journal club, OB Review, Patient Safety & Quality cases, practice management topics, and simulation to name a few. Every other month the residents have dedicated time for research. A 70% attendance of Core is required.
The 5th Wednesday during the month the residents have a dedicated Wellness Wednesday where they learn and participate in tools to promote wellbeing and team building. We also hold an annual resident retreat to promote resident wellness, team building and community service.
Resident Retreat Video from 2022 | Resident Retreat Video from 2021