Current Investigator-Initiated Research
Learn about current investigator-initiated research conducted by emergency medicine faculty.
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Diagnosed with Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
- Stephen Thornton, MD
Coaches' Perception in Academic Learning Societies
- Bradley Barth, MD
Coaching the High Performing Student to Excel
- Bradley Barth, MD
Defining the Coaches' Role in Academic Coaching
- Bradley Barth, MD
Does Past Benzodiazepine Dosing Predict Future Needs in Repeat Acute Ethanol Withdrawal?
- Bradley Jackson, MD
Implications of Cultures Before vs. After First Antimicrobial Dose in Septic Patiensts (CX-FAD Study)
- Vicent Cascone, PharmD; Rose Cohen, PharmD; Nicholas Dodson, PharmD; Chad Cannon, MD
Incidence of Bacteremia on Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Retrospective Study
- Chad Cannon, MD
Lactate as a Predictor of Mortality in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
- Chad Cannon, MD; Bryan Imhoff, MD; Seth Atchison, MD; Nicholas Dodson, PharmD; Kelly Howe, RN; Alexandria Larson, DO; Brandon Ricke, MD; Evan Slanczka, DO; Edric Wong, PharmD
Predicting Mortality Using Serum Lactate Levels and Age
- Chad Cannon, MD and Ross Miller, MD
Results and Utility of Methanol and Ethylene Glycol Levels Reported to a Poison Control Center
- Stephen Thornton, MD
Surveillance of Novel Psychoactive Substance Intoxications Using Enhanced High Resolution Mass Spectrometry-Based Drug Screening and Confirmation
- Stephen Thornton, MD
Students' Perception in Academic Learning Societies
- Bradley Barth, MD
Systematic Review of Age Adjusted D-Dimer
- Bradley Barth, MD
Time to Pee: A Retrospective Review of Urinalysis and Point-of-Care Urine Pregnancy Testing Time-to-Collection and Time-to-Result in Relation to ER Turn-Around-Time
- Jonathan Wilcher, MD; Carolyn Clark, MD; Adam Condra, MD; Armand Heyns, MD; Timothy Olatunde, MD
Thorazine Use in the ED
- Bradley Barth, MD
Willingness of Baby Boomers to be Screened for Hepatitis C in the Emergency Department
- David Lisbon, MD and Chad Cannon, MD