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Entry into the Ph.D. program. Students are admitted to basic science Ph.D. programs at the KU School of Medicine through the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Biomedical Sciences (IGPBS). The IGPBS provides the first-year curriculum for Ph.D. students in all basic science departments including the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology. After an initial year of course work, learning about research opportunities that are available for students, and participating in laboratory rotations, the student chooses a research mentor and joins the mentor’s department or graduate program. Application may be made online (IGPBS). Students currently enrolled in a graduate program elsewhere may also apply for admission as a transfer student and bypass part or all of the IGPBS curriculum.

Goal of the graduate program. The graduate program is designed to prepare a student for a career in research and/or teaching. During your graduate career, your education and training will help you to fulfill the following expectations:

  1. To become knowledgeable in the overall areas of study included in the IGPBS core curriculum.
  2. To obtain in-depth and up-to-date expertise in a specialized area of knowledge that is appropriate for the field of your dissertation research project.
  3. To make original and high-quality contributions to the scientific literature in your chosen research field.
  4. To become familiar with the scientific literature through general and specialized journals in biological research, and to develop the ability to critically evaluate the original research in your own and related fields.
  5. To become skilled in organizing and communicating information in oral presentations, and to respond to critical questioning.
  6. To develop clarity, conciseness, and precision in writing, to aid in grant writing and publication of your original research results.
  7. To learn how to ask incisive scientific questions and gain experience in the design, performance and interpretation of laboratory experiments and observations.
  8. To gain familiarity with the preparation and writing of grant applications.
  9. To prepare for the teaching as well as the research aspects of an academic career.
  10. The Compact between Biomedical Graduate Students and their Research Mentors is a document from the American Association of Medical Colleges that describes the expectations for harmonious student and mentor interactions.  The Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology supports these guidelines. Each student and his/her mentor should read and discuss this document.

Graduate Studies Committee

  • Michael Wolfe, Ph.D., Department of Cell Biology & Physiology
    Graduate Education Director
    3097 Hemenway
    913 588-7418
  • Lane Christenson, Ph.D.
  • Paige Geiger, Ph.D.
  • John Stanford, Ph.D.
  • Steve LeVine, Ph.D.
  • Vargheese Chennathukuzhi, Ph.D.
  • Kausik Si, Ph.D.
  • Ashley Cloud, Student representative

Contact Michael Wolfe, Ph.D. with questions about the program.

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Cell Biology & Physiology
Mail Stop 3043
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160