IPA Tutorials
Get to Know IPA
A series of live hands on training classes geared for new users. This link also provides recorded trainings covering:
- IPA Introduction
- Uploading Data in IPA
- Interpreting the Results of your Core Analysis in IPA
- Exploring the Upstream Analysis Results in IPA
- Tips and Tricks for doing RNA-Seq Analysis in IPA
IPA Training Videos
2-5 min training videos on specific advanced features in IPA
- Regulator Effects Analysis: Provides insights into your data by integrating Upstream Regulator results with Downstream Effects results to create causal hypotheses that explain what may be occurring upstream to cause particular phenotypic or functional outcomes downstream.
- Molecule Activity Predictor: simulate directional consequences of downstream molecules and the inferred activity upstream in the network or pathway.
- BioProfiler: Quickly profile a disease or phenotype by understanding its associated genes and compounds. Identify genes known to be causally relevant as potential targets or identify targets of toxicity, associated known drugs, biomarkers and pathways. (refer to the video on IPA introduction)
- Causal Network Analysis & Upstream Regulators: identifying upstream molecules that control the expression of the genes in your datasets.
- Pathway Activity Analysis: determine if Canonical Pathways are increased or decreased based on your data. (refer to the video on Molecular Activity Predictor)
- Comparison Analysis: Quickly visualize trends and similarities across analyses and datasets
- Isoform Content and Features for processing of RNA-Seq Data