Faculty Development
The purpose of the Department of Biostatistics & Data Science Faculty Development Program is to assist our faculty in achieving their full potential in research/scholarship, teaching, and academic service, and ultimately earn promotion.
Members of the Faculty Development Program (FDP) will be appointed by the Chair of Biostatistics & Data Science and can include faculty at any rank. The Director of the Department of Biostatistics & Data Science Faculty Development Program will provide bi-monthly updates to the Department Chair on this program. A potential mentor-mentee relationship is valued by the chair and faculty members in the Department of Biostatistics & Data Science.
View the Department of Biostatistics & Data Science Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee Policies and Procedures
View additional information pertaining to the tenure submission timeline for faculty on the tenure track
The FDP will assist faculty by any or all of the following ways:
- Matching junior faculty with a mentor and monitoring mentoring activities.
- Encouraging faculty to attend presentations or conferences on topics relevant to faculty development.
- Assist faculty in preparing for annual evaluations by the Chair of Biostatistics.
- Develop ways to evaluate faculty progress in teaching, academic service, and research/scholarship.
Faculty Development Program:
The overall goal of the Department of Biostatistics & Data Science Faculty Development Program is to first develop healthy, successful individuals, guiding them on career paths that follow their dreams and utilize their strongest assets.
To that end, we strive to establish, develop, and facilitate positive, enduring, and mutually beneficial Mentoring relationships, which allow Mentees to plan, learn and grow, and which renew and reward mentors through the experience of encouraging, motivating, and inspiring others.
The Faculty Development Program was launched on September 1, 2008 and is explained below:
- As soon as the offer letter from the Chair is accepted by the new faculty recruit, the individual will be asked by the chair to complete the Mentee Needs Assessment Form.
- As members of the department develop and are able to serve as mentors, they will be asked by the chair to complete the Mentor Skills Assessment Form (the form is provided by the chair).
NOTE: Forms will be submitted to the Chair of the Department of Biostatistics & Data Science Promotion and Tenure Committee. The purpose of the Mentee and Mentor Application forms is to help assist with the match and help shape the relationship in the initial meeting between mentor and mentee.
- The members of the FDP will review the information on the application forms and recommend a career mentor in the Department of Biostatistics & Data Science with a mentee based as closely as possible on the needs of the mentee. If deemed applicable, mentor(s) from another department may also be recommended.
- The appointed mentor will email an invitation to the mentee offering mentorship. The mentee will acknowledge or accept the invitation, confirming their participation in the program.
- After 90 days of the initial meeting, mentee completes the 90-Day Trial Tool.
- The mentee and mentor will discuss the 90 day trial evaluation together understanding:
- that the career mentor is not the end all to their mentee;
- that the match is based on needs and is not a popularity contest; and
- it is to be expected that some mentor-mentee matches may need to be reassigned.
- At this point:
- the mentor-mentee pair may decide additional support mentors are needed to help meet the needs of the mentee; or
- a different relationship can be defined or the mentee can be re-matched; or
- this mentor-mentee relationship will continue.
- The mentee and mentor will discuss the 90 day trial evaluation together understanding:
- Mentors and mentees are encouraged to review early two School of Medicine Professional Development sites: Abridged Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure and Matrices to see where you should be on a Year-by-Year basis before applying. Once you are ready to apply, follow closely the Faculty Affairs definitive documents: KU School of Medicine Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure, as well as the Promotion and Tenure website.
- Meetings will be scheduled by the mentees administrative assistant following the guidelines provided to them by the mentee. To begin, a frequency of at least once per month is highly recommended.
- Mentees and mentors will determine together at the first meeting:
- The recordkeeping tools they wish to use as documents which will reflect the progress made over time, both the mentee's growth as a junior member of the faculty and the mentor's success in working with the junior member;
- The items, documents, tools or forms each need to bring to meetings;
- The frequency the mentee should bring their updated P&T formatted CV to these meetings. At minimum, the CV should be updated every 3 months.
Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development, School of Medicine
Appointments, Promotion & Tenure (Contact Angie Basgall , abasgall2@kumc.edu, Program Manager Faculty Development for the most updated information)
Geoffrey M. Bellman, Author
Getting Things Done When You Are Not In Charge
For questions contact:
Jonathan Mahnken, PhD
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Data Science
Chair, Department of Biostatistics & Data Science Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee
Email Address: jmahnken@kumc.edu
Main Phone Number: (913) 588-2696
Byron Gajewski, PhD
Professor, Department of Biostatistics & Data Science
Director, Department of Biostatistics & Data Science Faculty Development Program
Email Address: bgajewski@kumc.edu
Main Phone Number: (913) 588-1603
Dianne Durham, PhD
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs
Professor of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Email Address: ddurham@kumc.edu
Main Phone Number: (913) 588-0298