The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) is an integral part of the School of Medicine and the Graduate School at KU Medical Center. Lectures and laboratory experiences are offered for students pursuing M.S., Ph.D., and M.D./Ph.D. degrees. Postdoctoral research scientists and visiting faculty members also contribute to the departmental activities.
Twelve departmental faculty members are engaged in active research and teaching. Areas of research strength include:
- Regulation of gene expression, emphasizing but not limited to transcription regulation.
- Protein folding and structure determination.
- Allosteric regulation of protein function.
- Signal transduction
Specific areas of research interest are detailed under each faculty name. Infrastructure includes a transgenic mouse facility; a biotechnology support center that offers DNA synthesis, sequencing, and microchip analysis; a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry facility; in-house x-ray crystallo-graphic equipment; and a variety of spectroscopy and calorimetry instruments including advanced fluorescence equipment.
Our faculty members are associated with a variety of cross-disciplinary centers within the university, including The Kidney Institute, the COBRE for Protein Structure and Function, the COBRE for Novel Approaches for Control of Microbial Pathogens, the COBRE for Molecular Regulation of Cell Development and Differentiation, the Cancer Center and the Institute for Fetal Maternal Biology.
Additional Information
- How to Contact Us (mail, telephone, FAX, faculty, students, post-docs, staff, VA site)
- Visitor maps to KUMC campus
- Department administrative staff
- Faculty list with links to individual profiles and home page